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Comment Re:Sure, to lower paying jobs (Score 4, Insightful) 674

For many people, no car == no job. Most of the U.S. is laid out assuming that people have a car. In theory, they could move to where they don't need a car, but things are more expensive in such places to the point that it would be cheaper to get the car.

Internet is becoming increasingly a necessity in order to participate in society. Educated voters can't depend on network news to be informed anymore.

Food stamps and other social safety already act as a handout to minimum wage employers. We pay the costs of maintaining their worker units and they profit. Minimum wage needs to be high enough that employers are actually paying the full cost of an employee's labor.

Comment Re:transcranial direct current stimulation (Score 1) 291

There is real question if the memory effects reverse or if agnosia sets in. It is known that the effects of the treatment are often temporary. There is also evidence that the convulsion is just a side effect and that the damage is the mechanism of action. Closed skull head trauma often creates a temporary euphoria.

OTOH, TMS may actually be helpful without all of the damage.

Comment Re:Fiat currency (Score 2) 291

Falling back on the old 'lazy' stereotype are we?

Perhaps you didn't notice the whole economic collapse and all those 'lazy' people who lost their job. You may have missed those 'lazy' people working 2 jobs and still not getting the bills paid.

Comment Re:Fiat currency (Score 2) 291

Well, could you at least get out of their way? Kill the prescription laws so the poor might be able to get the drugs they need even if they can't afford a doctor? Kill medical licensing in hopes they can find a helpful layman rather than nothing at all? How about remove restrictions on importing drugs from civilized countries where they are more affordable?

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