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Comment Sure thing, Adolf (Score 1) 522

Problem: census data at the end of the Ottoman Empire shows Jews were a very small minority in Palestine. Like 2-5% small. Just as a percentage of population there were more gay people in Palestine pre-Nakba as Jews indigenous to the area.

And it's not about Islam, either. If you've seen the interview Tucker Carlson recently did you need to watch it. Palestinian Christians have also been subjected to ethnic cleansing from Zionists from Europe, and Israel has bombed some of the oldest Christian churches in the world. With refugees inside.

Israel is a colonizer Apartheid state just like South Africa. And yes, DNA and genealogical records back that up.

Comment well said (Score 1) 522

Gaza is the world's largest open air prison. The majority of residents there are refugees, descendants of the 750,000 people who were marched from their homes & off their land at gunpoint in 1948.

Not just 1948. Since prime minister Sharon forced settlers out of Gaza (to prevent Palestinians there from ever voting) a million and half Palestinians have been forced out of West Bank or other occupied territories into said open air prison. Which supporters of this ethnostae pretend means Palestinians are breeding like ferrets on a diet of estacy and crack.

Comment Your read the Likud Charter (Score 1) 522

...which lays claim to all the land between the river and sea. Which Israel supporters have been claiming is a call to genocide. And Bibi recently said that exact phrase himself.

Get all those idiot protesters to read the Hamas Charter and listen to a lecture about it, and then pass a test about it.

You mean the one they amended 15 years ago? This is all a red herring anyway since Israel made Hamas in the first place to split support from Fatah.

needs to wear a T-shirt labelling them as supporters of rapes

Rapes that never happened according to Israeli media. Are you still looking for Saddam's WMD's under your bed before you go to sleep at night?

Comment Re:Self selection (Score 1) 522

Hmm. I wonder if your grandaddy had the same thoughts if IBM employees had protested at selling machines to Germany to assist them with their ethnic operations.

Dozens of pages of quotes from top level Israeli officials openly talking of genocide have been presented by South Africa at the ICJ. Top Israeli military commanders vowed from the start to cut off food and water from Gaza. Which they have.

You know, war crimes.

Comment Re: Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

Should have just kept giving Stalin just enough ammunition to continue justifying sending more warm bodies into the meat grinder like we were already doing.

You sound exactly like Truman who in early days of war wanted to supply whoever was losing (Nazis or Soviets) so they could kill as many of eachother as possible. So like you, Truman was an ungrateful prick.

Soviets are the only reason swastica flags aren't flying over London and the official language of the continent isn't German. 80% of German casualties came at the hands of the Red Army, show some respect. "Allies" only opened a second front against Germany when Soviets in danger of not just saving Europe from the Nazis, but capitalism along with it.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

This is not a story about China defending itself, it is about the CCP defending itself.

That's as dumb as saying American entry into the Pacific in WWII was about "defending the Democratic party". Or westerners pretending Ukraine war is all about Putin when even Putin's harshest domestic critics also see NATO on their border as an existential threat.

Cut back on the neocon Wheaties, mmmkay?

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

Which is a of course BS it absolutely was.

Your BS as it was only to free the aristocracy from the tyranny of the king. After the war the peasants were still subject to the tyranny of the same aristocrats. Remember all the garbage you were fed in school about the terrors of "the mob" and that's why the proles had to be kept as far away from actually having a say in their own governance? All the BS about "taxation without representation" and then vast majority of the populace subjected to taxation without representation as even White Anglo Saxon Protestant men weren't allowed to vote until they owned property.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

You mean the U.S. helped prepare Ukraine for the unprovoked Russian invasion?

Grow the fuck up. US had a tempter tantrum over a threat near its borders (Soviet nukes in Cuba) meant to counter a US threat near Soviet borders (US nukes first in Turkey) but Russia is supposed to roll over and take it when you overthrow their neighbor and make it de`facto NATO and load it up with billions in weapons? FOH.

  • Cheney and Wolfowitz planning Ukraine in NATO in early 90's, which everyone on both sides of the Atlantic warned for decades would lead to war with Russia:

    Rand paper you can still read on US plan to balkanize Russia, written three years before the war:

    Warnings including from Biden and his current CIA director, who was frantically warning Bushies in 2007 that even talk of Ukraine in NATO was risking war:

    Head of NATO, Stoltenburg bragging NATO expansion is what triggered the war:

    Leaders of both France and Germany admitting Minsk peace deals were a lie to Russia to arm Ukraine:

    Victoria Nuland, Cheney's advisor on Iraq invasion, same war criminal that organized 2014 coup and was recorded picking post coup leaders during the coup admitting to biolabs. Wouldn't have been so concerned about them falling into Russian hands if they were benign and just making covid vaccines:

How dare they help a fledgling democracy fend off an attacker!

The US destroyed Ukraine's democracy and sovereignty with the 2014 coup. Skip the gaslighting when Yanucovych agreed to lesser powers and early elections but was illegally replaced less than a week later. If your side really represented the majority they would have simply voted him out in said early elections:

It's always amusing when someone whines about Ukraine fighting off Russia when they deliberately ignore the Budapest Memorandum which Russia signed and which says, in part

Budapest is an own-goal as you trashed Ukraine's sovereignty in the 2014 coup. Not Russia. Moreso when the US said Budapest was unenforceable in order to sanction Belarus:

As for Taiwan, they're a sovereign country with free and open democratic elections.

Absolutely no one thinks Taiwan is a sovereign country. Not the US who has been working for decades for war with China just as it's worked for decades to make happen just as it has with Ukraine and Russia. And most of all not those on the island, who's constitution not only claims to be the "real" government of China but parts of other countries like Mongolia.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

The reason China is ringed by our bases is they pissed pff all their neighbors who welcomed us in to help defend themselves from China.

I'll take shit that never happened for $600, Alex. China pisses no one off by offering cheap goods on open markets, the only thing they're interested in doing. Why you pretend otherwise when the US is openly speaking of slowing China's technical advance to protect it's own economic interests. Australia are damned fools for being aggressive towards China when China is their top trading partner, and that trade insulated Australia from 2008 financial crisis and fueled their growth. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

US isn't protecting any part of the world, but most of the world needs protecting from the US. It's not Russia that has a thousand military bases around the world. It's not China that openly speaks of controlling the planet via Full Spectrum Dominance. It's not Venezuela that's obsessed with spying on everyone on the planet including supposedly close allies like German chancellors. It's not Iran that had a worldwide kidnapping and torture program. It's not North Korea that's overthrown dozens of democracies since WWII.

You mean we are helping a very close ally arm themselves to fend off further Chinese aggression.

Find off something that doesn't exist? Forming militias in Florida to fight polar bears would make more sense than the fairy tales you've internalized about China.

You misnamed the One China policy.

Not even remotely. China would be as happy with "one China two systems" in Taiwan as it is in Hong Kong. What they will not tolerate is their own soil being made into an unsinkable aircraft carrier off its coast. You wouldn't be shoving your head up your butt if China was spending billions to arm and support the secessionist movement in Puerto Rico, doing aggressive "freedom of navigation" maneuvers with naval fleets and repeatedly voicing its willingness to use military force to protect Latin America from the US.

Which, unlike your fartbrained ideas about China, is an actual threat from the US. Right now your leaders are trying to talk enough African countries into invading Haiti for the fourth time in a century and change to look 5% less racist for doing so.

China couldn't wait for the century of British imperalism fucking with Hong Kong in 1997.


Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

Imagine Texas

Imagine coming up with a remotely relevant analogy, as that isn't one.

It has never been the PRCs to rule. Ever.

As dumb and pointless as saying Republicans had no business running the country in 1860's as they were a new party.

The CCP started a civil war and win only most but not all of it.

No, they were just the winners. Take your whining to western imperialists who made a mess of China in the first place and Japan for following in their footsteps.

You making shit up about what I said isn't just nonsense it's you speewing CCP propaganda.

Facts you don't like are not propaganda. Grow up and out of your mindless McCarthyism.

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