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Comment Re:Slackers (Score 5, Insightful) 536

This past weekend I was at a barbeque sitting talking to three guys all about my age (early 40's). After a few minutes I found out that one was a cop, recently retired who was collecting a healthy pension and was trying to decide if he wanted to get another job or just do some traveling and enjoy himself. The other was a postal worker who was upset because the union has told everyone to work slower because postal mail is down over 20% and there isn't enough work for everyone but according to union rules nobody can ever be laid off. The third was a city fireman who has retired and was outfitting his boat for a year-long trip from New York down to the Caribbean with his entire family.

After a few moments of this it struck me that I was paying for all of this.I was the only one of the three that was generating money from outside the government system and paying into it. All three of them were getting paid from the government, were not working as hard as me or not at all, and their taxes are an accounting trick because the money was going from the government to them and back to the government.

Comment Re:Age bias = loss of experience (Score 1) 582

> They are your future internal talent, however, so it is critical that you make sure you spend the time to help them grow their careers even if it is not eventually with my company.

Truly spoken like someone who is blind to what our industry, and our country, has been doing for the past 20 years.
There is no next generation of programmers. The entry level has been outsourced. The technology to do software design will one day be like the technology to send a man to the Moon. If we want to do it we will have to build an industry from scratch.

Comment Experts? (Score 1) 220

> 'To find out, simply ROUND UP THE EXPERTS to hash out the linkages, translate them into algorithms, and upload enough historical data to populate the model. Then turn the knobs to see what happens when you nudge the city in one direction.'

(emphasis mine)

Here's your problem!

Comment Re:The Road Not Taken (Score 1) 594

The real wisdom is that most people, upon reaching a fork in the road, sit down and watch TV, eat some Bon-Bons, and forget where they had meant to go until it gets dark and goes to sleep only to repeat the same the next day.

Take either path. He says they look equally fair. Just pick one and GO. Your destiny lies on the path, not at the fork.

To use an above poster's example: Linus Torvalds sat down and wrote Linux instead of reading about what other people were doing.

Ok, gotta go, I have a hundred tabs open to different Slashdot articles I want to read...

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