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Comment It is the format. (Score 1) 562

Magazine are quite rough contraptions: take them anywhere, and they will do fine.

Although I see a few brave souls with iPads on public transport I frankly can't see myself carrying around a $500 device that can be broken or stolen while I would not mind much if my magazine gets ripped off by a Labrador in the park.

Also you can't do origami with your bloody iPad.

Comment Organizing a wedding is very stressful... (Score 1) 399

So the premise should be to keep things simple.

A geek should know this: the higher the complexity of a task the higher the probability of something going wrong.

You'll have plenty of chances to use your geekness to good effect in years to come, and there is a very well oiled weeding industry out there that will get things done in a way that nobody regrets, and with a bit of luck, everybody remembers fondly.

Your wedding is not the time to be doing alpha versions of anything...

Comment The creative people nonsense. (Score 1) 545

I will refer you to Steve Jobs, which is one person that by all accounts could be described as creative.

On his first incarnation at Apple, he created the Macintosh.

It was a revolutionary computer and truly a design icon. But it was over budget and no clear strategy was thought to commercialise it. This iconic machine almost killed Apple and Jobs, rightly, was sacked before he would have wrecked the company.

When Jobs was back he put emphasis in doing the administrative parts of the work properly, introducing Japanese techniques of managing inventory for example.

Creative people need to understand that being creative is not the same as being bohemian and irresponsible.

There are creative people that are professional and responsible, and there are creative people that are a hindrance. A good manager should identify the later and work with them to become the former, but there is a limit for everything, and at some point obstructive people have to be given the push.

Comment You are wrong. (Score 1) 291

Kiwis are more liberal, they are conscious they are an small country and don't tend to comit the same arrogant mistakes of bigger countries.

I concur about Australia, the shine goes after one week there, for example I was actually racially abused 3 times while there for a couple of weeks, the same amount of abuse I have received in the UK in 15 years.... that says it all really.

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