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Comment Re:Distortion (Score 1) 192

How exactly does this award help anyone? He's given a prize to a bunch of professors who already have tenure. They do not need incentives to do original work.

But they do need funding to hire post docs and students to help/do the work with/for them, and to buy equipment.

Meanwhile, grad students and postdocs (who do most of the real work in the field and are the most capable, and motivated) live hand to mouth, have no sense of job stability, and no possibility to pursue truly creative work.

Oh, hey, maybe they can make some type of connection here... I doubt these professors will be spending their awards on caviar and beach houses. That may just be wishful thinking.

Instead they live under the thumb of just those kind of people that received this award. They're forced to pursue old, dead ideas that have not gone anywhere (but are favorites of their advisers/supervisors). Theoretical physics has been stagnating for decades. The Higgs boson is a 40-50 year old idea, and virtually all new ideas in the meantime have been utter bullshit (string theory, supersymmetry, extra dimensions, etc). The field is grasping at straws because the majority of the people working cannot pursue long-term goals, or risky ideas.

Yes, these awards will not solve these problems.

A better award would be to give say $500k to 54 promising postdocs who do not have tenure, to encourage them to go in new directions.

That was actually pretty much my first thought too- it would be better spread further.

Comment Re:Prediction (Score 1) 111

You forgot the part about how the RIAA/MPAA will be monitoring the sounds in your car to make sure that you are not listening to songs or movies that you haven't purchased the CD/DVD/download for according to their database. If they detect an unauthorized song or movie, that's when the police drone launches its missiles.
If you're lucky.

Comment Re:Isn't that so American (Score 4, Funny) 846

Actually the first printed part was much more utilitarian and non-controversial. The day before the printer was completed, a storm had knocked down a few of the trees on the property of the inventor, and instead of heading to the hardware store for the parts to repair his fence, he decided to build the parts needed. The horizontal rails were too large for the printer, so a replacement vertical piece was constructed. This 'first post' is still proudly displayed on the property.

Comment The outside of the car is not where this is needed (Score 1) 88

What I really want to know is will this technology work to keep the kid's car seats clean? And all other objects within 3 feet? And maybe the kids themselves? FYI, leaving the kids out in a rain storm does not leave them shiny and clean. Um, so I hear.

Also the article has no info on the UV/chemical resistance of this coating, or how often it would have to be reapplied. Where are the details?

Comment Re:Goodbye jobs (Score 3, Insightful) 475

Don't agree with the use of the term 'idiot' for all non-creative people, but there's plenty of people working now who are in mostly "non-creative" jobs which are not on an assembly line. The entire service industry, the legal industry (i.e. not just lawyers, but all the other affiliated jobs), honest accountants, education, medical industries, etc. Many of those jobs also require some degree of creativity, even if that's not the primary focus.

As for the actual idiots, who knows what they will do. Maybe we'll have to be creative to think of something for them...

Comment Re:Manufactures (Score 1) 1706

You're thinking of the Second Amendment. The Fourth Amendment guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.

The actual text of the Second Amendment as ratified reads:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

See it for yourself if you want to.

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