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Submission + - Corporate Hackathons: The Fine Line Between Engaging and Exploiting (

dasacc22 writes: Campbell is inviting developers to hack the kitchen with their recipe API, but wait! The API is private, so first you need to submit an idea. If they like the idea, you'll be given access to develop the app. If they like the app, they may give you some money. Otherwise, you can expect to have an app that connects to an API you no longer have access to. The author covers his recent experiences after engaging with Campbell Soup Global Head of Digital and Social, Adam Kmiec, to try and answer the following: "... my question to software developers out there who are thinking of devoting any real effort to a corporate hackathon like this is, “Why?”"

Comment What games keep me from being productive? (Score 1) 951

WTF did you just ask me?

Guess I'm not the target for the question but I use to be an avid gamer, sometimes 30-50+ hours a week only so many years ago. Even today, when I pickup a game, I just have to play it through like a long movie with ramen snacks during downtime.

With that said, I've been primarily working from my laptop which is running linux, and I just don't play games anymore b/c it's inconvenient. I dont want to dual boot, I've messed with wine for over 10 years, and the only game I'm actually active in right now is EVE Online. I run the client in VMWare Workstation 8 on an intel video card of my laptop.

Id like to see steam for linux b/c then I'd have a no nonsense way to see what's available for my platform and who knows, maybe I'd be playing again. If there's some crazy insane awesome sauce windows game that causes me to divorce my wife and disown my kids, I have an old desktop in the corner collecting dust I can play it on.

Comment hi debian (Score 2) 646

Wow, glad I just finished setting up Debian testing on my new x230 and migrated to Debian stable on a personal server I while back after the uefi bit. Ubuntu got me into Debian and away from slack and gen too from way back. Been good Ubuntu, bye.

Comment Re:Screw Actizard, contact (Score 1) 272

actually I've never played WoW, just way too goofy for me. I emailed blizzard to have my account deleted during a diablo III fiasco. They nerfed increased-attack-speed gear, which needed to happen, but I was unaware of this until a couple days before hand and spent all my earned gold left over making it to inferno on IAS stuff.

All that aside, the reason I asked them to delete my account and access to games (starcraft 2, diablo 3) is b/c of how they handled people on their "community" forums. I only use the word community in the sense that it's in the title on the page somewhere. Post after post after post discussing the IAS nerf was deleted, even sane and civil posts where the OP could easily reconcile the difference through discussion.

That's not a community. That's damage control. I could overlook the crap handling of the nerf but shutting up the player base? not so much.

Comment Screw Actizard, contact (Score 2, Interesting) 272

Got fed up with all the BS and emailed to have my account and all my games perma-deleted from their system. Took an untold number of weeks for them to finally follow through on it but I'm now no longer a zard-tard.

Doesn't look like many slashdotters here care, but if you actually do then claim your info back and stop affiliating with this once decent company.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 257

I'm not big on bragging rights, but if some of those issues bother you, in my response I detailed one of the main issues to a couple of those points is a lackluster api for handling concurrent requests while also playing nice with other bits android offers (share by intent for example). You can check this,

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 257

A repost (yeay no edit functionality), my first real post on slashdot that needs line breaks

> *Splash screen (and side note: the tutorials I found on the web on how to make one were all horrible, involving spawning threads and making sleep calls).

Why the crap are you wasting peoples time with sleeping for a splash. If a client asks for this, make it actually do something useful. Create an activity that starts downloading relevant data. At worst, sleep for a duration and then call finish(); startActivity(...);. There's an entire activity there to do real work while.

> *Intents to just play full screen video, or audio and matching image.

And your point? I'm glad this intent fulfills your need but if you want to raise REAL android issues, lets talk about mp3 playback on 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3+ devices. Lets talk about how 2.2 devices vary in the backend hardware decoder and what kind of havoc that raises. Lets talk about having to roll our own implementation of the http live spec.

> *An Image widget that can use a resource or a URL as the source.

This could be useful as a builtin but it's stand alone. What if your caching what your app downloads? What if you're looking to share that image via intent with other applications that accept that? Let's talk about the real issue here, and that's a lack luster api for handling multiple concurrent web requests that integrate with all of the niceties android does offer. Then lets talk about a WebImageView class.

> *A wrapper around their gyroscope and accelerometer to form a compass sensor. Something they used to have (ORIENTATION_SENSOR) then deprecated.

This does suck.

> *A single function call method to get a URL as a string (or as an image, etc).

Same point as two questions ago essentially. This is a dead end that accomplishes very little. I'd be insulted by Google if this was some "improvement" announced on their dev blog.

> *A view that displays the output of the camera, and manages requesting access to the camera when the activity is paused/unpaused. Really, how the hell did they miss this?

Valid point, this along with other phone sensors are needlessly complicated to work with. The complication comes down to, in my opinion, how the api is represented. They could require we still do all of the necessary bits, just like presented as above, but create a much better api.

> *A JSON parsing library that will take JSON and an object definition and use reflection to turn the JSON into a java object.

See GSON, It's stupid easy and works great. XML is a bigger issue.

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 257

> *Splash screen (and side note: the tutorials I found on the web on how to make one were all horrible, involving spawning threads and making sleep calls). Why the crap are you wasting peoples time with sleeping for a splash. If a client asks for this, make it actually do something useful. Create an activity that starts downloading relevant data. At worst, sleep for a duration and then call finish(); startActivity(...);. There's an entire activity there to do real work while. > *Intents to just play full screen video, or audio and matching image. And your point? I'm glad this intent fulfills your need but if you want to raise REAL android issues, lets talk about mp3 playback on 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3+ devices. Lets talk about how 2.2 devices vary in the backend hardware decoder and what kind of havoc that raises. Lets talk about having to roll our own implementation of the http live spec. > *An Image widget that can use a resource or a URL as the source. This could be useful as a builtin but it's stand alone. What if your caching what your app downloads? What if you're looking to share that image via intent with other applications that accept that? Let's talk about the real issue here, and that's a lack luster api for handling multiple concurrent web requests that integrate with all of the niceties android does offer. Then lets talk about a WebImageView class. > *A wrapper around their gyroscope and accelerometer to form a compass sensor. Something they used to have (ORIENTATION_SENSOR) then deprecated. This does suck. > *A single function call method to get a URL as a string (or as an image, etc). Same point as two questions ago essentially. This is a dead end that accomplishes very little. I'd be insulted by Google if this was some "improvement" announced on their dev blog. > *A view that displays the output of the camera, and manages requesting access to the camera when the activity is paused/unpaused. Really, how the hell did they miss this? Valid point, this along with other phone sensors are needlessly complicated to work with. The complication comes down to, in my opinion, how the api is represented. They could require we still do all of the necessary bits, just like presented as above, but create a much better api. > *A JSON parsing library that will take JSON and an object definition and use reflection to turn the JSON into a java object. See GSON, It's stupid easy and works great. XML is a bigger issue.
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - The Impact of Returning Mass Effect 3 (

kube00 writes: It appears the hate mail and outrage over the ending to Bioware’s legendary series has reached a fevered pitch. As more and more gamers tweet, write emails, and grumble, a few retailers have decided to lend a sympathetic ear and let gamers return their opened copies. But what impact will that have on the industry?

Comment I vaguely recall.. (Score 1) 3

gen-who? I vaguely recall using a distribution way back with a similar name, excited by the prospect of tinkering and thrilled by the text flying across my screen at crazy speeds. Now-a-days, these are just regression fixes and queues for grabbing some fresh coffee. Not to say I hate what I do, but love the deeper level it brought me to. People might take a lot of cracks at gentoo but I appreciate the opportunity it provided for someone without a formal education.

Comment Re:Conflicted (Score 1) 92

eventually this old-man syndrome is going to disperse into the existential shallowness of past thought and kids are going to grow up expecting something completely different every month, week, and day while we're stuck slinging around phrases like old-dogs and new-tricks and making fun of our grandparents trudging around in the snow for 20 miles to read emily dickenson at the town barn, converted school house

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