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Comment Re:Not just analytic... (Score 1) 1258

Here we go again attacking religion. Such rebels on here. How about the environmental religion? What fairytale that is!

This is why religion is dangerous. The subset of extraneous beliefs that accompany it. Strangely people who are all loving the guy who talks about 'thou shalt not kill' and 'turn the other cheek' are also the strangest advocates for capital punishment and gun ownership, the strongest supporters of extreme and morally ambivalent capitalism and are more likely to try to prevent scientific advancement that could save countless lives.

Comment Re:really? (Score 1) 1258

I suppose you may disagree with the definition of belief, but I think that that is a good one and if you disagree it would be easiest if you simply clarified your definitions.

Yes strangely I, as an atheist find my self agreeing with a Christian (or other) over the words of another atheist. I feel the need to correct the previous poster.

Blind faith is the antithesis of analytical thinking.

Comment Re:Whoever is responsible for this article (Score 1, Flamebait) 1258

Actually the article seemed rational and logical to me, and I'm a Christian.

Surely though, to me it seems a little more rational than the idea of a loving, all powerful patriarchal father figure who drowned all his children. A deity who unforgivably and eternally punishes his own creations for thought crimes; A God who frequently refers to himself in the first person plural, who felt the need to be nailed to a board so he could sacrifice himself to himself for an inherited original sin from a story mostly regarded as metaphorical.

Comment Re:Whoever is responsible for this article (Score 1, Interesting) 1258

There is nothing wrong with critical thinking. You just need to study to see what something really says before jumping to conclusions.

You actually come across as quite a rational Christian sort, but sadly in the minority of my own experiences with them. I do have a question for you about one (of many) parts of the bible. Sidestepping the issue for a second of the patriarchal deity who drowned his children. can you shed some light on this bit below please?

"But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’” Jesus Christ. Luke 19:27

Perhaps you can help me with critically considering the idea of preaching forgiveness and thou shalt not kill but practising another. Or is this just an example of a remarkably flexible rule set?

Comment Re:Where is this? (Score 3, Informative) 241

Anyone know whether this would belong to Scotland or England should the UK break up?

It's a good question because despite most of the gas reserves are in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland, I've heard that England is currently laying claim to all territory off Scotland beyond 20 miles from the coast; Though as I cannot find a good citation, I cannot fully guarantee truth of this. Can anyone back this up or prove it false?

Comment Re:Let the Fracking Begin! (Score 3, Informative) 241

After all, the Thames estuary can't be hurt by a few anthropogenic earthquakes, now? Can it?

Considering the majority of the gas reserves are in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland it seems unlikely that London (seemingly the only city in the UK that most have heard of) will suffer any form of earth quakes, though they may well lose out if Scotland is granted their independence in 2014 when the vote comes.

Comment Re:Of course it exists (Score 5, Insightful) 125

We have so much evidence about the existence of the dark matter that's not even funny:

All indirect evidence. Personally the idea of an invisible, intangible, ethereal magical material that helps peoples sums add up is dubious at best. There are plenty of other good theories out there that do not include this populistic hypothesis.
such as

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