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Comment Re:Brain on a stick (Score 1) 133


Give me a break. It fails tests of Godel - and is based on a mathematical supposition of unobservable, multiple dimensions. It's like adding new axes to a graph - to fit non-conforming data into a pre-determined hypothesis.

It is a sophomoric proposition illuminated by calculative sophistication. Wittgenstein, were he alive, would have ripped Hawking seven new assholes, and been mathematically correct in his exposition.

Comment Re:Considering the reputation that megaupload had (Score 5, Insightful) 211

The artists want out of these RIAA handcuffs as badly as do their fans. They see there is a different, more direct model that doesn't fatten the talentless go-betweens sitting in air-conditioned offices, producing no value at either end of the production pipeline.

Sorry, Mr. Ego Hat, David Geffen.

Comment Re:Considering the reputation that megaupload had (Score 3) 211

Interesting. Mega seeks to achieve profitability by sharing revenue with participating artists - creating a channel with as little rent-taking as possible. As opposed to the super-rent-seekers: today's media and telecom conglomerates.

Kim says Megaupload was killed by the Obama administration, as a gimme to the media cartels - in return for financing and as a replacement for failing with SOPA. I'd add that Megaupload was SPECIFICALLY targeted over Eastern European hosters for enforceability, and over others because of Dotcom's incipient "MegaKey" agreement with big-name urban artists.

So, from where will the source of this revenue come? Ads are obvious - but really another nut to crack. I don't think this is what the new Mega has in mind for a foundation pillar.

Rather, I suspect that the artist agreements are expected to drive enough subscriber interest, for real takes, vs. simple freeloaders. The volume of signup in the past 24 hours is a great validation for Dotcom, if prospective participants need prompting.

Comment Brain on a stick (Score -1, Flamebait) 133

Wheel it in. Let it pontificate.

There are shop keepers, with more to tell us of value and human understanding, that Hawking. What a sad investment of technology for this spectacle of intellect.

Really, Hawking has added nothing significant to the understanding or the quality of scientific discourse. There is no Bohr or Godel here. Not even an Oppenheimer. He is celebrated in the absence of greatness - like Kanye because there's no Marvin Gaye, or Cate Blanchett, because there is no Garbo.

An intellect without insight, Hawking is a part of our cultural train-wreck. Once great, we now admire the third-rate interpreters of the ruined edifice upon which they stride. Or roll.

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