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Comment Re:It's a big planet (Score 1) 105

Everyone has law enforcement, not everyone has no knock raids that go wrong so often it's a meme. And the NSA clearly has a free hand in the U.S. as well, so that's not much of an argument. I would consider setting up a service in Hong Kong, most Scandinavian countries, Canada, and a few countries in Latin America and the Caribbean before I would consider the U.S., the particulars of the situation would narrow it down.

Comment Re:Surveillance fatigue? (Score 0) 610

I am a patriot and I love my country, even as imperfect as it is, and even though it is the worst most oppressive country that has ever existed... except for all the others.

The sad thing is that it sounds like you really believe this. Sure, it's far from the worst in that there are regimes out there that make today's U.S. look like the Boy Scouts, even with its no knock raids, indefinite detention without trial, mass surveillance, and the like. But if you think there's nowhere better out there, you're willfully ignorant.

Comment Re:Deep down.. (Score 1) 610

I don't deny anyone a reasonable profit, but what's reasonable depends on which side of have's/have-nots you might rest on.

No, what's reasonable depends on whether the "haves" are picking people's pockets to get that way. Unfortunately, thanks to our corporatist system the answer is "yes" depressingly often.

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