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Comment Re:Environmentalist paradox (Score 2) 146

Humans seem unique in all of nature in that everything we touch changes the environment for the worse. Never does it seem that our actions have ever led to anything positive ever happening in nature. I find that highly suspicious.

Changes to the environment WRT to nature are neither better nor worse. Nature does not work like that.

Human population has increased from half a billion 500 years ago, to 1 billion 100 years ago to 8 billion now. As we've spread out, we've changed the environment to suit us. There are some species other than humans (rats, pigeons, cows, thistles, corn, etc) who's fitness for survival is improved by these changes, but far, far more species who's fitness decreases in human-changed landscapes.

So think instead that instead of many diverse landscapes & environments with different challenges providing many different survival options, we have far fewer landscapes & environments providing far fewer survival options.

See? Do you understand now? It is not that humans inherently are bad for nature. Its just that we reduce environmental diversity & hence reduce species diversity. There is nothing remotely suspicious about this at all and it is certainly not a paradox.

Comment Re:So I want to say something (Score 1) 205

> And you know what? I don't think you got it in you. I think we're about to let our civilization collapse. Not out of laziness or lack of manly men or anything of the sort but just out of a general mean-spirited greediness.

cry some more. i straddle the line between genx and millennial and guess what, life has always been like this. You're suffering from like a warped nostalgia bias because you weren't even alive when what you thought were the "good ol'days" played out. Everyone has always had to fight and scrounge for every penny unless you were born rich, it's always been that way for 99% of people. It's fitting you put in your sig because that's exactly where your whining dumbass belongs.

Comment Re:So how long do I have to work in the warehouse (Score 1) 60

Ten years, give or take

but not 10 years of only moving boxes. It's 10 years of moving boxes and learning new skills, competing for promotion, and building networks of relationships. Believe it or not, it still works. However, 10 years of just turning a crank and going home has never worked and never will work.

Comment Re:I guess this is the result... (Score 3, Insightful) 305

Wait until you see their earnings per share. This is nothing more than profiteering.

what do you expect? An artificially low price? That doesn't make any sense at all, the price will be what the market will bear. Amazon has come to the conclusion the market will bear a price of $139 and so they're adjusting accordingly.

Comment Re:you mean social media censorship? (Score 1) 285

Nobody apparently thought to simply call the hospital and ask them.

But the article you linked to says:

However, one hospital where Dr McElyea has worked, Northeastern Health System Sequoyah, has denied that its facilities are seeing ivermectin patients.

“NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin,” NHSS said in a statement. “All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care.”

So they did call the hospital and asked them, and published what they said.

The article is not 'literally fake news'. It reports on a doctor's concerns & statements and sought comment from the affected hospital. It is literally the opposite of fake news.

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