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Comment Re:Why so few comments? (Score 1) 29

People prefer solar and wind to nuclear power. You have to admit that.

Solar and wind can make meaningful contributions to a power grid, but there are limitations. However, until those limitations are met, people are going to focus on increasing solar and wind. After that, they may start looking at nuclear as a solution for the rest of the problem. But not until solar and wind hit their limitations.

Comment Re:Racist tests and admissions / graduation rates (Score 1) 84

If what you're implying is true (that anyone who couldn't otherwise graduate from Harvard could graduate with remedial classes) then literally anyone could potentially graduate from Harvard with remedial classes and everyone has exactly the same potential.

Yeah. Harvard is hard to get in to, it's not hard to graduate from.

Comment Re:Racist tests and admissions / graduation rates (Score 1) 84

"Black" culture in the U.S. is unlike anything I've seen anywhere else in the world (although it is slowly taking hold in the UK as well) and it promotes values that are antithetical to academic success and conscientiousness in general.

You don't know what "Black" culture is. You also don't know what "White" culture is, because "White" culture includes songs that promote wasting money, shooting people, and getting drunk to avoid problems.

I would not be surprised to see a new, entirely evidence-free hypothesis emerging:

Unsurprisingly, you can't recognize that your own hypotheses are evidence-free. Likely because you look for evidence to support your ideas, rather than to test your ideas (which is what a scientist would do).

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