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Comment Re: Who do you call at 2am when home invaded? (Score -1, Troll) 483

I'm saying if you solve the issue that would push somebody to do that, nobody will invade you at 2am and you won't have to have a gun, and more people will be alive at the end of a given day.

I would have though that someone "Way Smarter Than Me" would know prevention is better than cure.

Comment Re: Who do you call at 2am when home invaded? (Score -1, Troll) 483

Why are you getting home invaded at 2am? What social issue is pushing them to do that?

Solve that for a fraction of the cost of sending someone out to escalate the situation and shoot everyone they see, and remember your life is more important than your stuff.

Comment Re:Actually, it behaved as expected (Score 3, Insightful) 145

This is the same critique with all of Elon's new transport ideas. Hyperloop, underground tunnels, and now this - I think that he's just obsessed with inescapable metal coffins.

Also he needs to google "crumple zones". There's a reason why contemporary cars aren't made of hardened materials, and that's because people tend to die on impact if the vehicle can't absorb the force of it.

Comment Re:Those numbers are all the same up there (Score 0, Flamebait) 357

I'm not the OP, but this is a really easy one to field.

No human has ever done enough work to justify $600,000,000. Even if you could claim that someone created that much wealth, they didn't do it on their own - they did it off the back of hard work of hundreds of other people who will never see a penny of that money, despite earning it for them.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 252

In addition to what Martin Blank said, Assange's bail conditions were incredibly lenient. He was put up in a comfortable house in Norfolk by one of his supporters who acted as guarantor for his bail. This isn't a case of him accidentally doing something that was a crime, he had to go out of his way to violate the bail conditions.

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