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Comment Re:Wait, they are only saying this *NOW*? (Score 1) 176

It's been the case for the past decade, at least... probably even earlier than that.

I am not an American or living in the USA. My take on this fall from being #1 stems from the Regan era, where businesses could buy Republican Party members via election financing. That fact, allowed businesses via their bought Republican party, to shut down manufacturing within the USA, to open up in China and elsewhere, and all, to maximize profits ahead of the needs of the country. Republicans did nothing to stop the wealth transfer abroad. And in so doing, the new wealthy in China, India and elsewhere, sent their children to University, and FYI, University is free or next to free outside of the USA. And then there is the negative patent stealing and robbery by Chinese manufacturers to begin their enhanced designs, where the USA designs left off. Couple to that, the Chinese have a long term plan for the country -- be first in everything from education, healthcare, defence, and in manufacturing -- hardware, software, heavy machinery, etc. As a on-looker, the USA did zero for its poor, nothing to help move them out of poverty by providing affordable education, and by keeping manufacturing on-shore. Your children, already, for many, are much poorer than you. You bought a house, can they do so within 25 miles of any major city? Can your grandchildren afford to buy a house when it is their turn? SOLD OUT

Comment Re:Why (Score 3, Insightful) 115

If accurate (since all language surveys have problems), then it's mainly because universities teach Python as a beginning language course.

The secondary reason is because Python is nice for small projects. We can hypothesize that there are more small projects than large projects out there.

I liked APL, and was an APL fanatic. If you are going to use an interpretive language, it is the one to use. Productivity is just fantastic with APL. Just type +/1 2 3 67 763 77 55 768 and the sum will appear on the terminal. The output can also be assigned as result-+/1 2 3 67 763 77 55 result 768

Comment Re:Any reason to trust such predictions? (Score 1) 218

Frankly, the batting average of such predictions is not great.

You can if you can plant lots of trees. Trees provide ground shade, and because the leaves evaporate some ground water, their presence provides cooling. But, where to plant the trees? Ans. Between the rows of agriculture. Perhaps a pattern like 3 rows of agriculture, one row of trees. By trees, it means other than shrubs, tall beautiful things that were on the land before it was stripped for oil, and mass agriculture.

Comment Re:So who's going to pay for all that? (Score 1) 138

What they're talking about is that globally we should help people locally prepare for mitigate the damage from floods so that we don't have mass numbers of refugees destabilizing the world economy. Those refugees will be used by dictators and demagogues to encourage people to end democracies when they panic. If you don't want to spend your Twilight years living in a brutal dictatorship you should want to do something about stabilizing the world as a whole

I am not going to live to see a long term resolution, but I believe that the USA will be very impacted. Canada, further north, where the temperatures and hurricanes and flooding will not be anywhere as severe as will be the mid to southern USA, is going to see the USA trying to overrun the country by immigration to Canada or by just taking over. Lets hope that Canada can resist what I see as future demands on Canada due to extreme USA mid-country weather.

Comment Re:China lied to everyone else?! (Score 1) 219

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! In all seriousness, this tracks perfectly with how Chinese government operates. Lie, cover it up, deflect blame. There is zero incentive for your average party operative to take any responsibility, and a helluva lot of downside. It makes perfect sense that they would lie to the world while stocking up for the pandemic they (now almost certainly) created.

What would be their advantage to doing what you wrote. I think that they were in shock about covid, and were moving cautiously. It hit them economically and very disruptively, as it did everyone else. China has kept secret, the number of covid deaths and numbers of covid cases. Eventually that information will escape to the world.

Comment Re:Okay what's pushback? (Score 1) 308

True Christians and Jews, amongst others, follow certain religious and humanitarian requirements. -- All lives are holy and must be preserved, and that includes a person's own life. Furthermore, we must not bear arms against peaceful and unsuspecting peoples. Ergo, Jew have run and will run to obtain the vaccines for corona protection. The believers of all faiths will run to take the vaccines, to protect their fellow human. You may not suffer from the virus if you have it, but you do not want to be the one who transferred it to someone else who dies from it.

Comment Good idea today but in 2 years there will be (Score 1) 96

Plastic wrap will switch to some paper/wood product that is transparent. We have automatic processing of fruits and vegetables, from picking, cleaning, eliminating bruises, weighing and packaging. I am not a chemist, but cellophane seems to be the alternative to plastic. It is, I presume, easily bio degradable in weeks, not years.

Comment Re:Facebook isn't the problem (Score 1) 208

What he is saying is: 1. Facebook should be censored Why not. Would you allow time, cnn, msnbc or other journal that provides falso info to go scott free ? How many deaths from Covid are due to Facebook not vetting and requiring proof of facts. I bet Facebook deaths would be in low thousands of Americans. 2. People who agree with me should do the censoring. The problem is that we live in a democracy. Once you do #1, you can't ensure #2. A democracy is only as good as the truth of the leaders. Facebacook is a very powerful indirect killer of people who believe that Facebook actually does vetting of data., Don't give the government any power if you aren't comfortable with Donald Trump exercising that power. Who is Donald Trump. A person who learned how to sway your opinions, and who only looks after number 1. He is #1

Comment Re:Mishmash of terms (Score 1) 192

Linux as the preferred desktop system will not be achieved until the installation program (grub, grub2, etc) are enhanced to where a child with minimal technical knowledge can do an installation. It might succeed if systems came with Linux pre-installed. And then there is the question of drivers. Some are of quality, others are licensed and now well debugged or documented. \\

Comment Solving global warming is easy. (Score 1) 144

Americans, and others, like their large homes on large plots of land. Swimming pools in many backyards. And a perfect absorber of sun rays and heat. We need to plant trees, we need to move from individual homes on plots of land, to people living in multi-story towers. Towers that are islands of homes on one piece of land. And then, we need better water management. We have the crops in California, consuming enormous quantities of water, and then there is not enough for the forests therein and welcome to fires. When you took away the trees so that they can absorb the heavy rains, When you clear vegetation so that there is no wind resistance, what is to hold back the hurricanes, tornadoes, and the heavy humidity that follows one of these storms. My belief -- Trees and denuding the land, more than cars, is the true cause of global warming. There is one country in the middle east that has reversed this phenomenon. Careful irrigation, planting trees, better land management etc.

Comment It won't happen (Score 1) 263

There is too much vested interest in the existing system of power generation. American producers will kill to make sure power stations and grids are there forever. But if all the solar output was sold the above at cost + 5%, and the electric company sold back what each home or business required, then (grin), they will be the first to say "I want in".

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