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Comment Re:Question (Score 4, Insightful) 506

Call me crazy but aren't most people educated in public facilities that could theoretically have people in them? Of those theoretical people how many would you say probably have at least one functioning eye and one functioning ear? Now of that subset how many do you figure would have a functioning mouth?

The real problem isn't the lack of observers but the lack of responders to the observations from the observers. The criminal justice system is the only established means of dealing with mental illness in the United States. If a kid has a problem and the parents can't/won't bankroll it themselves, then there are effectively zero treatment options available until the kid gets a criminal record. The government won't pay for it neither will health insurance won't pay for it. Even if they did, there exists no legal framework outside of criminal law to force someone into treatment when justified.


Submission + - Hear Your Favorite Theme Songs Played by a Floppy-Drive Orchestra (

Nethemas the Great writes: While making music with computers is nothing new, it’s rarely quite so literal as the melodies of Youtube user MrSolidSnake74, who transformed eight floppy disk drives into an orchestra of MIDI magic. In the gallery above, you can hear his arrangements based on popular themes from Super Mario Bros, Doctor Who, Ghostbusters, Mega Man, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Game of Thrones and more, as performed by his floppy disk “instruments.”

Comment Re:Tell him to write goddamn login page himself? (Score 1) 507

Good code pays dividends when you have to maintain it. Bad code can be cheaper if it is for a fire and forget project (think code-monkey sweat shop) and writing it in a crappy manner takes less time and no one will care that it is crappy. Your millage may vary when trying to communicate and align this reality with management and team members. In every case the key is to understand when "good enough" is "good enough" with respect to all stake holders for both the short and long-term.

Comment Re:You don't (Score 1) 683

On my team if I see a "goto" statement in OOP code, you get a warning. If I see it again you'll find yourself on the short list for dismissal. Blatant and arrogant refusal to conform to best practices in general yields much the same treatment. Your pride had better be worth your job because most dev houses have little tolerance for people that arrogantly refuse to support the team's ability to evolve and maintain the codebase.

Comment Re:Tax avoidance (Score 1) 592

I don't see any arguing, I see a statement of facts. The U.S. government does not have the constitutional powers to legislate local law enforcement policy nor legislate any other matter having local jurisdiction. Ironically, U.S. citizens traditionally look to the federal government to ensure liberties, equality, and welfare even though local governments, not federal, have the jurisdiction to do anything about it.

Comment Re:towed to the dealer? (Score 2) 315

I'm not saying it isn't stupid, but the engineers did provide a way for the Corvette. Refer to 2-11 and 2-14 of the owner's manual

For Teslas should your battery pack ever completely discharge, gaining entry to your vehicle is the least of your problems. Your car is "bricked" until you replace your very expensive battery pack. Fortunately, a dead battery pack for a Tesla isn't as easy to achieve as a dead battery in other cars. e.g. parking your car for a few months while not connected to a charger.

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