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Comment Re:around coliseum in rome streets? (Score 1) 91

I think part of the problem is that F1 cars are really, really fragile. No one takes risks because often just touching another car puts both cars out of the race.

The fact that they have open wheels comes into play before the fragility. Because of that, cars easily launch into the air, and we have seen it happen quite regularly. That's always been a part of F1 and open-wheel racing in general, and it's what makes the driving about finding clean lines around the car in front of you, while leaving a centimeter of space, instead of just bumping it out of the way like in touring cars. And it's what F1 fans generally appreciate.

Comment Re: Denier (Score 1) 605

Except the situation in any country with decent public health care is the opposite: people don't go to the ER with trivial stuff because they can afford to go to a general practitioner in the first place.

Comment Re:Denier (Score 1) 605

FYI, there was a recent federal study (machine translated German article) critizising that waiting times for fracture operations can be longer than 48 hours in some German hospitals, which is deemed unacceptable. And while the study is not yet published in full, the structure of the German health care system suggests what we are talking about people insured by public health care (which is the vast majority).

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 1) 87

"A core goal for Ubuntu 13.04 is to get Ubuntu running on a Nexus 7 tablet. To be clear, this is not going to be a tablet Unity interface running on the 8/16GB Nexus 7, but instead will focus on getting the current Ubuntu Desktop running on the Nexus so that we can ensure pieces such as the kernel, power management and other related areas are working effectively on a tablet device.

Topics such as battery life, memory footprint, and support for sensors are all areas in which needs and expectations vary widely between a PC and a mobile devices. The 13.04 cycle will very much be focused on this exploration and learning and this is why we want to focus our efforts on getting the existing Ubuntu Desktop running on the Nexus 7. This will mean that some user-facing parts of the experience won’t make a lot of sense on the tablet, but we want to get the foundations optimized before we focus on these higher level challenges."

Comment Re:I tried the preview (Score 1) 318

You called it a "popup window", which it is not. Anyway it's not different to the password bubble, you didn't ask for that either. And you don't have to 'click the "go away" button every time I visit a website', there are like 20 supported sites, which I doubt you use all of, and you click it once and only once for each. Stop exaggerating.

Comment Re:Wrong idea. (Score 1) 385

Gifted programmes as they have been developed over the last 30 years are in fact probably the worst thing for someone with exceptional ability. ......

I'd mod you +1 interesting if I had points

Comment Re:I tried the preview (Score 2) 318

This is what it looks like when you go to a site that supports it:
You know, like the "want to save the password?" bubbles Firefox has had forever. Is that what you call a popup window? And why don't you say "no" and be done with it? It does not appear "every time you visit a web site" either.

Comment Slashdot has hit rock bottom (Score 1) 318

Usually I don't complain about /. because it and its users are still rather amazing overall. But every time there is an Ubuntu story you people are just being idiots mostly, and this particular story is the worst. It's like my grandpa complaining about progress in general whenever something remotely new happens. Nerds came up with progress in computing, and now you want it to stop in 2005? Well not going to happen. The genie is out of the bottle, you released it and forced everyone to deal with it whether they like it or not. Only fair that you have to as well. If you don't like Ubuntu, don't use it and stop whining. Sheesh.

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