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Comment Re:Why does SV exist anymore? (Score 1) 432

What ageism? Is it ageism to suggest that people who are emotionally middle school ages shouldn't have adult responsibilities?

Just because it is sufficiently pervasive that most don't see it anymore doesn't mean it' not a real issue.

nevertheless, if that's what the VCs and management need, fine. That still doesn't suggest why the actual adults that get things done should participate. They should be in a more practical place that is conducive to getting things done. If the VCs were emotionally adults they would appreciate evidence that the company they're investing in knows the value of a dollar and won't blow the whole wad on nonsense rather than using it to make money.

Comment Re:helpdesk india or helpdesk must use script fail (Score 1) 239

I'm usually up front about it. I tell them very politely in one or two lines what the problem is, and that I know it's not in the script and that SOME representative of the company is about to be yelled at in the most unpleasant manner I can imagine without giving them an excuse to hang up by swearing. Then I ask to speak with a supervisor.

Comment Re:helpdesk india or helpdesk must use script fail (Score 1) 239

I have to say, an accounting system that can't decide if the balance due is 2000 or 4000 is automatically broken and cannot be trusted at all. The only solution is to run an independent transaction log through different software or manually. The software's transaction log cannot be used because it has already proven itself untrustworthy and the problem might be in the log handling.

Comment Re:Open Source... (Score 1) 239

You have the option even if it's hard. For proprietary software, you'll never get to even see the twisted crap code behind the product to decide if it's too hard to be worth your time or not.

If you're about to go to jail, you'd be happy the code is up for examination and one or two independent experts testifying that the code is a twisted steaming pile that can't be trusted might be helpful to your defense.

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