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Comment We already won. (Score 1) 1211

The second Iraq was has already been won. Bush said it himself in May of 2003 when he announced from the USS Abraham Lincoln that "major combat operations in Iraq have ended." Look at what we did. We, America, for the first time ever, invaded (as in we strike first vice reacting to someone else's aggression) a sovereign nation and deposed its ruler, toppled its government and facilitated the erection of a new government in its place. If that isn't winning a war, I do not know what is.

Now lets look at the reason we went over there (well, the reason they told us at any rate). We went over there because Saddam was (according to "reliable" intelligence, heh) in possession of/developing weapons of mass destruction (WMD's). So, we go over there, win the war as mentioned above...lo' and behold no WMD's. Surprise surprise! Well, since the reason we went over there was to insure that Iraq has no WMD's and we have confirmed they don't, I don't see any reason to stay over there...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

What we have been doing since the "major combat operations in Iraq have ended," statement is acting as the country's police force, nothing more. There is no war, the war ended in 2003. Since then its just been neo-imperialism. We went to war without a congressional declaration of war and have been meddling in the country since the war ended. When was the last time we as a country have actually "declared war" as is constitutionally needed for us to legitimately be in a state of war? It was in 1941 for WWII.

So, who is to blame for this state of affairs? Try our whole freakin' government...not just the Bush administration alone as so many of you /.ers would suggest. Sure the Bush administration had its part, but Congress (who controls the military's purse strings) is controlled by the Democrats and has been for the last two years. They were elected with campaign promises of ending the "war." They have done nothing but pander to the people and the Bush administration since then. Why, its not like Bush is a really popular president or anything? They have been all too willing to sign appropriations bills giving more funding to the "war" effort so long as they get funding for their pet projects. This is what happens when you allow completely unrelated items to be inserted into legislation. This war is bankrupting our country.

United States

Submission + - Ron Paul raises record $6 million in single day (ultrasonicdesigns.com)

SonicSpike writes: "Sarah Lai Stirland of Wired News reports Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul made history Sunday by raising $6 million in online contributions in 24 hours, breaking the record for the most money raised by a national candidate in a single day, and potentially putting Paul on track to surpass the fourth quarter fund raising of all of his competitors in both parties. Full article: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2007/12/ron-paul-suppor.html"

Submission + - Ron Paul raises record $6 million in single day (ultrasonicdesigns.com)

SonicSpike writes: "Sarah Lai Stirland of Wired News reports:

"Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul made history Sunday by raising $6 million in online contributions in 24 hours, breaking the record for the most money raised by a national candidate in a single day, and potentially putting Paul on track to surpass the fourth quarter fund raising of all of his competitors in both parties."

Full article:

The Internet

Submission + - Net based Ron Paul fund raising smashes record

An anonymous reader writes: https://www.ronpaul2008.com/ Message from Ron (12/17/07) What a day! I am humbled and inspired, grateful and thrilled for this vast outpouring of support. On just one day, in honor of the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the new American revolutionaries brought in $6.04 million, another one-day record. The average donation was $102; we had 58,407 individual contributors, of whom an astounding 24,915 were first-time donors. And it was an entirely voluntary, self-organized, decentralized, independent effort on the internet. Must be the "spammers" I keep hearing about!
The Internet

Submission + - Ron Paul Smashes Record With $6 Million Plus Haul (prisonplanet.com)

An anonymous reader writes: http://prisonplanet.com/articles/december2007/121707_smashes_record.htm Ron Paul has smashed the all-time record for political donations on one day, beating John Kerry's previous effort as he hauled in over $6 million dollars during a 24-hour period that coincided with the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. The true figure could even tally up to near $7 million once all donations have been fully processed. As of 12 Midnight EST, Paul campaign headquarters confirmed the total to be over $6 million while others had the figure at around $6.4 million. That total just represents processed credit card donations. The final total is likely to be closer to $7 million once checks, Paypal e-checks, and money orders are fully processed. At 6am CST, several news agencies such as Reuters were still reporting that Paul had raised just $4.5 million, which is a little odd considering the fact that writers are employed around the clock.
The Internet

Submission + - Internet candidate blows away TV candidates funds (google.com)

Odinson writes: Despite a near media blackout, Republican Ron Paul managed to blow away the record for one day totals for both parties at about 6 million dollars. The lack of coverage and the small donation size ($50) indicate this is largely due to through communication through the web and email and large numbers of popular You Tube videos. The campaign has had 118,000+ individual donors this quarter. Some people are shocked the servers didn't fall over, but of course they are running Linux. :) Is successful national politicking now possible without the TV press?






Submission + - Leading climatologist accused of fraud 2

An anonymous reader writes: A climatologist at the State University of New York, Dr.Wei-Chyung Wang, has been accused of fabricating data in his research on global warming. The full story [1MB pdf] has been published, by a Canadian mathematician. There is also an article in Neue Zurcher Zeitung (more here). Wang has published over 100 research papers and he was the chief scientist of the Chinese–American Carbon Dioxide Research Program.

Submission + - Dark Horse uses internet to make millions.

gebbeth writes: "Republican and Libertarian minded candidate Ron Paul raises 6 million+ ONLINE on 12/16/07 (Anniversery of the Boston Tea Party). This record breaking donation spree counterpoints the Mainstream Media and polling coverage of the same candidate which are both suspiciously lacking. If a candidate is popular enough to gather enough support to break fundraising records, then surely he deserves the same coverage as other more well known candidates. The only factor that is really leveling the playing field is the internet, where a candidates' views can be presented without biased questions and barbs designed to disrupt the speaker. Additionally, supporters of a candidate who might previously have been segregated by geography now can band together with easy by virtue of social networking sites like Meetup.com. To see the fundraising graph and the number of donors you can go to Ronpaul2008.com or RonPaulGraphs.com. Friends...protect the internet, it is our last bastion of free speech!!!"

Submission + - Ron Paul grassroots internet campaign is surreal.

HellYeahAutomaton writes: Last night I was watching and participating in the Ron Paul Tea Party 07 for presidential candidate Ron Paul. The event strategically coincided with the Boston Tea Party anniversary. The experience last night was a sick and twisted cross between rabid Amiga fanaticism (back in the day) and the hopefuls for Red Sox Nation on their 1918-2004 losing streak of winning a world series. In a matter of hours I watched the ticker go up a million dollars and then a million again. The buzz on the IRC channel #ronpaulradio and their web radio coverage Ron Paul Radio was surreal. I've always been a registered Republican, but voted for the libertarian Badnarik in the last election. Two of his controversial platforms is to dismantle the IRS, and pulling out of Iraq, which many libertarians are supportive of. Are these the primary reason that the mainstream media is not covering/censoring him, and can the $18 million he's raised actually give him a fighting chance?

Submission + - Ron Paul breaks fundraising record

Dead_Smiley writes: "Yesterday was another one-day Ron Paul campaign fund raising day. From the website: http://www.ronpaulgraphs.com/dec_16_extended_total.html it appears that Ron Paul supporters have raised approximately $6.2 million dollars in one day. This surpasses John Kerry's previous record of $5.7 million back in 2004.

This man has caputured my attention like no other. I am usually very apathetic about politics because it all seems to be business as usual. He has an strong following on the Internet and that seems to have the traditional media a bit baffled. I like it! For the record: Yes, I donated and I will vote for the man if he wins the Republican domination.

You can check out his campaign here http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ or just go to Youtube and Google.

On a side note, I selected Politics and Republicans but he's doesn't really follow the party line so my apologies for that..."

Submission + - Schools turn leftover meals to Biofuel

SK writes: "Leftover school lunches will not go to waste in a joint experiment to be held in a Tokyo ward to turn the food into biofuel. Between 30 and 50 kilograms of food is left over daily at each of Tokyo's 65 municipally run primary and middle schools. This waste is then incinerated. Tokyo Gas will spend about 100 million yen on the building and operation of the facilities for the experiment inside an office provided by the ward government. The firm plans to use a daily total of about 200 kilograms of waste collected from five or six local schools. To create the biofuels, enzymes are first added to the waste to saccharize it and separate solids from liquids. Bioethanol is extracted by alcoholic fermentation and distillation of the liquid."

Submission + - Ron Paul's Boston Tea Party nets $6 million (washingtonpost.com)

Paul Revere 2.0 writes: Web 2.0 presidential candidate Ron Paul raised over $6 million in online credit card donations in a single 24 hour period commemorating the Boston Tea Party, with $17.75 million this quarter so far. Although not doing so well in polls that don't mention him, he has an enthusiastic set of supporters that include Tea Party organizer Trevor Lyman and ex-Googlite Vijay Boyapati. This one-day total beats John Kerry's $5.7 post-nomination online donation day and rivals Hillary Clintons $6 million in donations and pledges reported on June 30.

Submission + - Ron Paul raises millions in Boston Tea Party Event

An anonymous reader writes: I bet there are tons of Ron Paul supporters on Slashdot that might like to see this story. I know he has a strong following in the pacific northwest development circles! http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2007/12/16/ron_paul_raises_millions_in_todays_boston_tea_party_event/ Ron Paul raises millions in today's Boston Tea Party event On Nov. 5, supporters of Ron Paul raked in more than $4.2 million in donations in 24 hours, mostly of them collected over the Internet. Today, they're at it again. Hoping to detonate what they call a "money bomb," the supporters started fundraising at midnight Saturday and have already raised $2 million as of about 10:30 a.m. today, more than at this point on Nov. 5, according to figures they posted online. They hope to collect a total of $10 million by midnight Sunday. Last time, they tied their fundraising to Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates a British mercenary who tried unsuccesfully to kill King James I on Nov. 5, 1605. This time, they're seizing on the 234th aniversary of the Boston Tea Party and converging on this snowy city to rally. They plan on gathering on the State House steps at 1 p.m. and parading down to Faneuil Hall, where they will listen to speeches in tune with Paul's libertarian platform. Speakers will include the Republican presidential candidate's son, Dr. Rand Paul, an eye surgeon, and Carla Howell, the libertarian who ran unsuccesfully for governor in 2002. There are also plans to dump some tea (or at least some boxes labeled tea) into the Harbor, though the details were still sketchy as of this morning.

Submission + - Boston Tea Party Internet Money Bomb

7-Vodka writes: Most political campaigns are run from the top down. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's campaign is a self-organizing distributed movement with virtually no central control that uses the Internet as it's infrastructure. This campaign was receiving very little attention until last month when an independent supporter, Trevor Lyman, helped to organize a fundraiser that raised $4.3M on November 5th. Because the November 5th fundraiser had a Guy Fawkes theme and the political shock waves were massive, it was nicknamed the 'Money Bomb'.

Today December 16th Trevor has organized another Money Bomb fundraiser, this time to celebrate the Boston Tea Party. The big news is that the total number of donations and funds raised are already shattering all previous records. Please take this as an opportunity to get to know Dr. Ron Paul, a 10 term congressman from Texas and where he stands on issues. If like all of us who are breaking records today, you feel Dr. Paul has more to offer than any other candidate out there you will know what to do.

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