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Comment Re:Whiteboarding? (Score 1) 196

In 30 years working in sofwtare, I've used a white board maybe twice. I find them clumsy and unhelpful to my thought process.

In this case, it wasn't so much the coding question that put me off, it was other indications that the organization wasn't a good fit. The white board thing was just another indicator.

I give coding questions, but generally not specific and pre meditated. The questions are usually as part of the flow of the interview. The applicant might mention something, and I'll follow up on it. I might have a specific problem that I think they have an aptitude for and I'll ask for a discussion of their approach. A few times they've ASKED to use a white board and of course I'll accommodate because if that's the way they best express ideas, that's great. I've never once required it.

Interviews I've had have been similar. I'm sure that if I had requested a white board to express something visually I could have done that. It's just not the best way for someone to communicate, and I think getting a feeling for how they communicate best gives me a better feel for their fit in the organization.

Comment Re:Whiteboarding? (Score 1) 196

If the applicant's CV hasn't been adequately reviewed/screened before the interview stage, someone isn't doing their job.

I've given hundreds of interviews in my life, and been interviewed a handful (I don't tend to jump jobs). I've never once used a mechanic like this. There might be an informal discussion of something based on the applicant's aptitude. They may voluntarily demonstrate something. There's lots of options. Forcing someone who may not have written on a white board/chalk board since school to demonstrate something using a method they're unlikely to use in a real world environment is completely un-useful.

I've had exactly one interview where something like this came up. I turned down the offer that came in a day or two. I had an equally interesting offer elsewhere where I had a better impression of team and management based on the kinds of questions they asked.

Interviews work both ways.

Comment Re:This comment is for rubbing your noses in it (Score 1) 154

You clearly don't know how mod points work. Troll accounts aren't going to have enough karma to get any mod points.

Nevertheless, though I wouldn't use this service at that price, a lot of the cord cutters simply don't want to give money to Comcast, or Whatever Time Warner is going by these days.

I really don't think anyone cares about what bandwidth is used, well unless they're unfortunate enough to have one of the cable companies for their internet. /hugs his blessed non-cable ISP fiber connection.

Comment Re:Former VP Biden should be in PRISON (Score -1, Offtopic) 29

You misspelled 100% guilty.

How many Bengazis is Trump responsible for for ignoring the bounty Putin placed on American Soldiers?

How many 9/11s is he responsible for with his idiotic response to the virus that has killed over 125,000 Americans?

And what about his daughter's emails?

Comment Re:Brace yourselves... (Score 1) 121

If Sun had tried to monetize it the way Oracle is now, it would have died a decade ago. I've made my living for the past several year writing Java. If I can make more money doing that, I will, but I'm thankful that it's not the only language I'm comfortable with.

It just happened to be the buzz-word language many companies were most familiar with in the web app space. With this new cost, hopefully I can stop using it, and use something less tainted-by-Oracle again.

Comment Re:You need evil NPCs (Score 1) 385

Thing is though, this is just the source material. It's a little dumb that they're changing it, but it's just a guideline. You can still play the game interpreted the way that works for you and your group.

I haven't paid much attention to much that came out in the way of that sort of material since WOtC and Hasbro got involved.

Some of the new skills and tables can make for an interesting session, used correctly, but it's all just less than guidelines.

Comment Re: WOTC - WHAT? (Score 1) 385

Why couldn't you?

When I used to DM, everything was on the table. It's a role playing game FFS. Why wouldn't you be allowed to? My games were never bound by the strict interpretation of the rulebook, or even necessarily a die roll.

I never understood people that insisted on playing by the book.

It's meant to be fun, not a spreadsheet.

Comment Re:Christ I wish I lived in CA (Score 1) 237

Yea. Inland Empire is a fucking shithole. Bunch of trump worshiping dumpsterfires that would be well served to just move somewhere like Montana and wipe themselves out in a virus holocaust.

Rest of California? Biggest economy in the US, and can be a really great place to live, or so friends of mine that actually live there say. But fuck the inland area.

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