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Comment Re:A features, an irksome burdden for most (Score 1) 266

Except this is totally wrong, because the burden on other users consists of "turn it off if you don't want it", which you only have to do once ever, while the people who need the accommodation are gonna have serious problems without it.

Disability accommodation is a good thing for society. Yes, it can have some costs for other people, but they are small costs and in general we can easily pay them.

Submission + - Samsung Galaxy S5 Released 2 Weeks Early in S.Korea (cnet.com)

knarfling writes: The Samsung Galaxy S5 is on sale now in South Korea, two weeks early — much to Samsung's surprise.
The S5 is set to go on sale around the world on 11 April, hitting shop shelves in 150 countries before the month is out. But the wait is too long for impatient South Korean carrier SK Telecom, which has made the phone available today for around 866,800 won.

Comment Re:So, we hate Peter now? (Score 1) 164

I don't hate him, I just think he's being sort of a jerk. Well, that, and I continue to admire his absolutely unparalleled ability to create bugs in games that leave me wondering how anyone could have gotten those results on purpose, let alone by accident. (Favorite: In Amiga Powermonger, you could only save if every floppy drive the machine had contained a write-enabled disk. This is so much more work than simply using the existing writing facilities, and even then it's fairly impressively hard to get it wrong.)

Comment Re:There are many not worked up over it (Score 1) 535

They're not, though. They're stating that they have compelling reason to believe that the "community-driven product" has already been destroyed. And really, I think their arguments are a lot better than yours, because they have arguments. Facebook's track record speaks for itself. The moment I heard this was real, I lost all interest in working on the Rift, buying one, or in any other way being involved with it.

I have watched Facebook interact with various things, and if there is one thing that's been consistently true of them, it is that their entire view of the world is highly toxic to a lot of things I think are important, and I cannot coexist with their way of doing things. I don't trust the platform anymore. I cannot conceive of a level of claimed commitment that would cause me to believe that the device did not have tracking and reporting features built in intended to market me to advertisers, because that is all Facebook does, and it is all they will ever do, and if they tell you they aren't doing that, they are generally lying. So if they own this company, that is what it will do too. That's their only business model.

I have seen so many companies turn seriously evil upon merely making a marketing deal with Facebook, and you want me to believe that a company bought outright by Facebook will stay legit? No.

Comment How many unhatched chickens? So many. (Score 4, Insightful) 251

So, you haven't actually tried to make any money, but you could see yourself doing it, and you are talking about how it would be nice if you choose to do it... Shouldn't you verify that you can actually successfully do such a thing before counting that as a selling point of the printers?

Comment This was a problem at an anime convention once... (Score 2) 519

There were some glass stairs, and there were some creeps taking upskirt pictures of cosplayers. It was creeping people out. But before they had to go to the police, they tried a simpler solution: They asked Sailor Bubba if he'd be willing to walk up and down those stairs for a while.

Note: He does not wear underwear under his sailor suit.

The creeps left.

Sailor Bubba is a fairly cool guy.

Comment That is not a coherent theory. (Score 2) 212

Apple makes a ton of money off app store licenses, and Valve makes their money selling software. The steam box is a device for getting people to buy games; it's never going to be even close to the profitability of selling games.

Selling software is a great deal for the vendor because the per-unit cost to them is effectively zero. Any theory that the vendor is going to try to eliminate the cost of software so they can make all that money on hardware is a stupid theory. And I don't mean "after sufficient research you can disprove it", I just mean stupid straight up.

Comment Re:You cannot UN-VACCINATE your child or pet (Score 1) 482

I believe so. The whooping cough vaccine is a temporary thing; it only protects you for maybe 20-30 years. But as long as people give it to kids, adult immune systems are usually resilient enough that it had just about completely died out, so it didn't matter. But now, thanks to the anti-vax people, it's common enough that adults get it, and spend months in agony.

Comment register_globals (Score 1) 254

The beautiful thing is their lovely page explaining that it wasn't an insecure design, just one which "could be misused".

I'd say that a feature that easy to "misuse" in ways that lead to security holes is, in fact, a pretty good example of an "insecure design".

Comment Re:Mischaracterization of problem (Score 1) 231

No to both, and that's actually a sort of stupid question, given the obvious evidence of general competence at larger-scale arithmetic, which I achieve in part by doing calculations twice using different paths and confirming the results. ... and still do it significantly faster than most people. So far as I can tell, it's just a tuning thing; my neurons are tuned for faster responses rather than more-reliable responses, so I get answers quickly but sometimes they're wrong.

Works out okay. Turns out that the occasional misplaced or transposed digit doesn't cause much trouble, but being able to be right most of the time extremely quickly is very valuable.

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