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Comment Re:Obama makes a sham of democracy (Score 1) 541

I'm tired of the religion of democracy, and the fact that the majority of people in the western world are fanatical devotees to it, despite reason and evidence. People speak of it as if it's magical, instead of the most evil-making mechanism man ever sprung on himself.

Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried. But that doesn't stop people like you from claiming the system is broken because you can't have everything go exactly as you like 100% of the time.

Comment Re:Point is to expand group (Score 1) 128

Women already in Engineering are ... wait for it ... the kind of woman that would be interested in Engineering.

They are only one kind. You are excluding people you THINK would not be interested out of hand; why?

There are programmers who like good clothes. Why can't the same be true of women? Here's an amazing thought; perhaps a person can have multiple interests!

Comment And that is why we have no women in engineering (Score 1) 128

The point is, women who are highly interested in being fashion consumers are unlikely, IMO, to be interested in getting involved in the nitty-gritty details of technology

But my point is this line of thinking is at best barbaric, and totally wrong! It's exactly that kind of thinking that is keeping so many women out of engineering because everyone is constantly saying "oh you are interested in X, therefore you cannot possibly be a good programmer of electrical engineer".

I know good male programmers who have good fashion sense and also like good clothes. So why the hell should that not the be the case for some women too?

For whatever reason women are simply less inclined to even try STEM areas of work. So lets not go around building fucking walls to keep even more out than naturally already discard the thought out of hand even though they would enjoy it.

Again, you CANNOT get the size of a group to increase be being highly selective and exclusionary!

If you want to make STEM careers attractive to a larger set of the population, the answer is simple: increase the pay

WHAT THE FUCK. The pay (and job stability) is *already* extremely compelling and just about any STEM field. That's OBVIOUSLY not any kind of solution.

But now people on Slashdot, for some odd reason, want to bring more uninterested people into this career field?

NO you idiot. We want to bring people into STEM that have a natural love of it (and those are the only people that would stay anyway, you cannot force anyone into STEM which is why programs to herd women into STEM en-masse are stupid). But utter morons like yourself are driving them off before they can find out they do in fact like STEM sorts of work, and that means many females are in fact doing something they like far less than they would like working in STEM related fields.

Finally, if this is such a great idea, why don't we use a variation of it to bring more men into STEM careers?

We do, there are tons of things everywhere that make STEM seem interesting to boys. In fact that is a problem in itself though, in that there probably are a significant number of men that also would be happy in STEM that do not pursue it.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 476

I suggest you read this PDF, which was posted by someone else but has some very good information.

I suggest that you answer the arguments presented, rather than expect any readers of this discussion to read long external PDFs. Or were you counting on that they wouldn't and simply assume that it would back you, since you linked to it?

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 476

Whenever there is a tax there are forms to be filled out, reports to be filed and audits to be done. Which frequently ends up costing vast sums of money.

Not in this case, since the exchange can simply add the tax to every transaction like stores do VAT. And frankly, in most of the civilized world "doing your taxes" amounts to receiving a report from the tax department - they already have all the relevant data, so of course they can and, in the interests of enforcement, must, do your taxes for you - so it really shouldn't be a costly affair in any case.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 476

It's exactly the same thing as when one of my neighbors has a TV they want to sell for $10, and I buy it and sell it to a friend across the river for $11. Without my knowledge the neighbor might not have sold it at all.

No, it's not the same, because with HFT the buyer is not across the river, he's in the very same stock exchange. He will see the TV set for sale, whether you meddle in the affair or not. Thus all you've done is made your "friend" pay a dollar more than he otherwise would have to, pocketing said dollar yourself.

There are ways within this system to cheat, but arbitrage per se is not cheating, it's implementing the system of equilibrating the markets.

But we aren't talking about arbitraging between markets. We're talking about a single market, a single stock exchange. And while there's value in arbitraging between points of time - essentially storing resources when they're plentiful and releasing them when they're scarce - we're talking about microseconds here.

As for von Rothschild, you do realize that that was basically insider trading? As is HFT. They're both based on some market participants having information that has not yet have had a chance to become public knowledge. That is the problem with HFT: someone is using their special position in the market to do trades Joe Average possibly couldn't. That's cheating, so why shouldn't Joe use his special position of sheer numbers to have his representatives shut it off?

Comment Re:Better solution (Score 1) 476

The simplest means would be to charge big fees for cancellations.

Or, better yet, don't allow cancellations. Instead, put expiration times to buy and sell orders with a minimum of, say, 1 day. Or perhaps simply delay all orders for a week or so before attempting to execute them, during which they are completely unprocessed but may be canceled, therefore simultaneously removing HFT and giving people doing stupid things in panic or mania time to calm down.

Comment Point is to expand group (Score 1) 128

I've known lots of women in engineering (and dated a couple). They were definitely NOT the kind of women interested in fashion clothes


I'm not saying this fashion thing is the best way but it's stupid to say that things that don't appeal to the women in STEM today have no value, because if you want the number of women in STEM to increase substantially you have to reach out IN SOME WAY to the women who are NOT in engineering!!

Why can't a woman who likes fashion ALSO be interested in STEM if approached in the right way? Applying technology to the creation of fashion can be fascinating and I think is an excellent way to draw in more women that may have been uninterested in technology otherwise.

Comment Re:doesn't help people take games seriously either (Score 1) 737

In all honesty, you should take 'E3' and replace it with 'everywhere'.

I was at a conference last week, wasn't E3 or WWDC. We hired 'Booth Ambassadors'. They were dressed fairly conservative, but had tanktops on under a light jacket. This was a computer industry conference...

I'm a big fat older nerd. However, at one point, I almost turned around and decked a guy for what he said to one of our two ladies working with us. They were professional, not meant to be alluring in anyway sexual, yet the innuendo, stupidity and what not I heard from men OF ALL AGES, even greyhaired old farts.

During a quiet point, I asked one of the ladies about the comments and asked her if 'Nerd conferences' were worse than 'regular things' and she said 'Quite honestly, and no offense, it's Men in general'.

She felt it came with the territory, but still....unacceptable.

(yes, i have three little girls, so it bothers me a lot especially since my oldest has started sending me links to Cosplay stuff saying I WANT THIS FOR HALLOWEEN)...i'm doomed.

Comment Re:you've got to be kidding me (Score 1) 71

Using a JOIN is not a sign of a badly broken application; on the contrary, it generally indicates you have well-normalized data. We've shied away from using them in the past because they're inherently reliant on data scattered across the disk, and until SSDs came around accessing the non-sequential data proved too expensive in many cases.

This exactly the kind of problem that you *should* throw hardware at, because this kind of hardware (storage with near-zero latency) is the right tool for the job. We've just historically performed a lot of software-based workarounds because we were forced to use the wrong tool (storage with relatively high latency; i.e. spinning platters), either because SSDs didn't exist or were prohibitively expensive.

I agree about the reliability concerns, but all forms of long-term storage we have will eventually fail. If you're doing something mission-critical without accounting for that... stop.

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