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Comment University ASM classes switching to ARM (Score 1) 201

Said like a true believer, if not just a fool.

Only a true believer would post something like you did. Others would see that neither Intel nor AMD _STILL_ have an answer even to the M1 when looking at is as a total price/performance/noise level/power draw/battery life package. If the claims of 1.7x M1 are true, things are getting outright embarrassing for x86.

Look at the universities, many of their respective assembly language classes have switched to ARM.

The venerable Art of Assembly Language book which started out in x86 16-bit days and is now in its 64-bit incarnation, has a 64-bit ARM version under development.

Comment Re:Relax folks, your computer/phone ... (Score 1) 123

Huh, first attempt at a response was anon, don't remember clicking that button ... must have.

I don't believe adding more digits of PI would help even a tiny bit with course corrections.

Well I was not thinking just Pi but all numeric values and computations supporting more significant digits.

As planets/moons/asteroids are not perfectly smooth and evenly dense spheres, any slingshot maneuver used to accelerate/decelerate will require course corrections. And of course, very tiny effects from microgravity, solar wind, space dust, etc. add up over sufficiently long periods of time, requiring more course corrections.

To stick with the more digits theme, this seems to be a problem of the number of parameters not the digits.

Why on Earth would you EVER want someone to toss unguided rocks around the solar system. IMO one of the best lines ever in a sci-fi novel... Q: "What are we going to do, throw rocks at them?" A: "Yes."

My joke was "The Expanse" inspired. :-)

Comment Re:Relax folks, your computer/phone ... (Score 0) 123

15 digits was good enough to get New Horizons to Pluto. I think it will be good enough for deciding how much fencing to buy for your round garden plot.

Only because it had a motor and fuel and could do mid course corrections. When we toss unguided rocks around the solar system we will need more digits. ;-)

Comment China could reverse ransomware payments ... (Score 1) 181

The weakness in bitcoin is two factors.

Three actually. Bitcoin has abandoned its security model, mining is no longer decentralized. 70% of the miners are located in China and dependent upon cheap electricity from the government. Basically bitcoin's security model was voluntarily discarded by the community. The adoption of exotic ASIC hardware centralized mining and maintaining the blockchain, and made a government backed 51% attack possible. Lets say reversing transactions the government disapproved of, like a ransomware payment and any obfuscation.

Now I admit the Chinese government is unlikely to do any such thing at this moment, however the bitcoin security model was supposed to make this sort of thing impossible not unlikely. Merely unlikely means the security model is broken.

Comment Re:Entirely expected given NVIDIA (Score 1) 57

And I think Apple is RAZOR SHARP focused on ARM chip design. They have the fastest (consumer), with the lowest power draw, and now it powers all their hardware (iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, Apple TV & Macs. ARM design has to be their number one focus, to stay on top.

I am not saying Apple's SoC (System On a Chip) engineers are any less focused than NVIDIA's SoC engineers. What I am saying is that Apple has to spread the money over a lot more than SoC design compared to NVIDIA.

Comment Re:Entirely expected given NVIDIA (Score 1) 57

I think you're mistaken about nVidia vs. Apple, being more competitive due to money. nVidia isn't even in Apples class regarding money.

Yes and no. Apple has more money but it has to spread it over more things. NVIDIA is more focused.

But as I wrote in another comment we can still draw parallels despite financial disparity: "So we might be moving from an Intel v AMD type of world to an Apple v NVIDIA sort of world. Purely speculation but fun to think about. Nothing like competition to get us cooler "stuff". :-)"

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