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Comment Re:UK techies, be afraid (Score 1) 173

Don't worry some idiot modded you "insighful". I am glad it was not modded "informative" as your rant is devoid of any kind of information. You would think that the British who ruled with absolute disdain all the "savages" for 200 years would have learned something about their "subjects". Sheesh...

Just so you know, India is older than the anglo saxon occupation of the islands called UK today, older than roman conquest of the celts, and India as a nation state is a political entity the same way there was no Germany before Bismark.

This isn't a secret conspiratorial version of history. Please pick up a book or something.

This not a secret. Read a book not written in English, dumbass.

Comment Re: Rings of neurodiverse Mary Sue (Score 1) 114

Then they should...

There is no should or shouldn't. This is not a moral crusade. You seem to be surprised why people are not liking some mega billionaire's packaged coolaid being marketed as cultural phenomena and I told you why. If you don't have the problems others are having good for you. YOU should give the same treatment to others.

What?? This makes even less sense than the rest of your screed.

To quote, I can't imagine my answer would inform you in any way.

Comment Re: Rings of neurodiverse Mary Sue (Score 1) 114

It is middle earth before the coming of age of men.

People don't want their investment into the appendices devalued by packaged coolaid.

Fans are sad that a self contained franchise where the author spent enormous amount of love and work to make it consistent with certain ideas will be corrupted after the authors death and his son's death. People love the author and don't want to see his work ruined.

Short hair has been marketed as a political statement. Its presence in a show where it doesn't fit the existing universe is a political statement.

Shall I go on?

Comment So MS has decided to go after Indian government (Score 1) 52

Not talking about the topic of The Wire, which is a problem that Indians will hopefully solve over time, but I want to make highlight this: I don't see any tensions anywhere among public, which makes the article in washington post basically "fake news".

This reminds me of articles in western media (The Economist, NYT etc.) that I used to read 10-15 years ago where they would claim that a train crashed and now people are rising against the dictatorship. Of course there is no revolution happening in China where most people are happier than before but I noticed this bullshit then and I am sensing the same bullshit being peddled against the current Indian government too which enjoys unprecedented democratic support in a country of ~ 1.3 billion people.

Comment Re: Size matters. (Score 0, Flamebait) 330

Its men who have withdrawn from the traditional roles of masculinity because and thus get abused by traditional men and feminists both of whom want to control them. You will read about mgtow mostly from the people who want to bad mouth them as most mgtows don't see much point in conversing with traditionalists and feminists.

Comment Re: $465 million!? (Score 1) 302

The difference is that T2 was speaking to the power at a time so common people who are powerless in the grand scheme of things ate it up, and now feminazis ARE in power and you cannot be publicly criticize them without manufactured blowback and getting cancelled so common people have simply had enough. They are looking for a course correction and stuffing bs down anyone's throat is not a solution.

And I did say feminazi and review bombing is literally what these people have been doing until social media came up.

Comment Re: This is bullshit. (Score -1, Flamebait) 373

And what does that tell you about credibility of "Vox"? All I see is that the propaganda has been running since 2019 at least.

For those who are following this, this is how grassroot campgains are controlled - you club them together in the "basket of deplorables" and fund your editor to popularize it. Bonus point if you can hire a "professor" to say some bs. Then once it reaches wikipedia it becomes "common knowledge" ready to be fed to common people.

This Coward I am replying to, I am pretty sure who that is, is not just wrong but is fully aware of the what it is doing. This is how political campaigns run.

Comment Re: This is bullshit. (Score 0, Insightful) 373

Ah yes. Neo nazis and gamer gate - the two side of the same coin. Please post under your login so we can put your iq next to your id.

To those who are reading, this is how consensus is manufactured by propaganda. Just club together names you don't like with names everyone hates and let the fire spread itself. All you need is "activists" and part workers.

Comment Re: Not far enough (Score 1) 181

Check this out: https://theprint.in/india/miss...

According to Inder's classmate Rajesh Kumar, the two boys had been fighting over a copy of Chitrakatha, a children's comic book, when Chail Singh reprimanded them, and slapped them both for being unruly.

"He gave us both a tapli (light slap) and tore the Chitrakatha," he told ThePrint.

Not saying that this is actually true. Could very well be a cover-up. But if this is what the "upper-caste" has to do, then I challenge anyone who says it casteism is alive and well.

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