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Comment People never pay attention to songs (Score 1) 1

I remember religious wackos up in arms about Ozzy Osbourne's "Suicide Solution", looking at the title only, they just assumed Ozzy was telling their pweshusses to kill themselves. The song is actually a pretty strong anti-drinking message, and many of these people who condemned it would probably agree with the message the song was actually pushing. Actually engaging one's brain is far too much work for most people, however.

Comment Re:if it's all about women's protection... (Score 5, Insightful) 853

Oh no, then it would be about sex discrimination. "I'm sorry, you may be making gay porn, but that doesn't allow you to discriminate against female porn actors." So one department will force them to hire females, and then another will shut them down and jailing them for demeaning and degrading women.

I'd like to think what I just wrote is satire, but when you look at the bending and twisting of legal interpretations by The Powers That Be that are enough to make yoga masters wince, I'm afraid I am probably wrong.

Comment Whatever, Cliffy (Score 1) 369

EA pissed me off one time too many and have been voting with my dollars for years (full disclosure: I did get ME and ME2 as gifts, but EA got the money in any case, so I certainly played them). If I want to call EA scumbags for doing it, then I will call them scumbags and free speech too is part of that same free market. Don't get all butthurt by it.

Comment Re:Funding isn't automatic now (Score 1) 522

I think the filibuster in general is a load of crap. And for what it's worth, I think you have a point. It's a bunch of brinkmanship with regular people caught up in the middle and as far as I'm concerned, I'm quite disgusted with both parties. But these people won't change as long as we keep voting in the same assclowns.

Comment Re:A reminder... (Score 1) 94

I've told this story on /. before when OS/2 stories come about. OS/2 had the unfortunate luck of coming out at a time when IBM was running/trying to run all of its divisions as separate companies. Case in point: I had some true blue IBM PCs (PS/ValuePoints IIRC) with true blue IBM 5250 (minicomputer terminal) emulator cards, trying to connect them to true blue IBM System/38s and AS/400s (The predecessors to the iSeries). I could not get the emulator cards to work with the OS/2 installed on the PCs, and the IBM support people told me point blank that they did not support OS/2 with their cards and to get it to work I would need to install Windows 3.1. So my nascent OS/2 rollout at the company I worked for was stopped dead in its tracks because even IBM wouldn't support OS/2. It's a shame because OS/2 was superior in almost every way to the Windows of the same era.

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