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Comment Re:China [allegedly] (Score 1) 44

Jiiihna? Naw, they are too busy adding Gain of Function to lab pandemics, rigging GOP elections, building coal plants, harassing Taiwan, erasing Tank Man and Winnie-the-Xi from the Webtubes, planting documents at Mar-A-Lago, making MAGA hats, making scary looking white weather balloons that happen to drift over nuke silos, forcing Uyghur kids to make gold sneakers, sneaking across the Canadian border to supply Ronny Jackson with "candy", bribing Peng Shuai to STFU, bribing health officials to claim MSG is safe, and keeping an eye on them Jewish Space Lasers MTG warned us about. Lotta work.

Comment Re:Live by hype, fall by hype (Score 1) 43

I've been using Slashdot since sundials were high-tech, and I've never seen that happen, at least not due to "bad" content. Even the trolliest of content usually remains, although most set their view threshold too high to see -1's. It has had tech hiccups once or twice. Check your moderation view filters, maybe it's below your threshold settings.

Comment Re:If anything that has ... (Score 2) 43

Some orgs are blaming layoffs on AI, but they could be just distracting from their incompetence.

I'm pretty AI will eat into the low-end of the entertainment industry, such as click-bait crap, but people will get tired of "filler content" with similar flaws (current AI has certain flaw patterns) and start seeking better art.

Comment Live by hype, fall by hype (Score 4, Insightful) 43

In the early 90's everyone was talking about Oracle, and Oracle DBA's were making the top bucks. But database competitors eventually ate into Oracle's pie, and soon Oracle DBA's didn't make more than other vendor DBA's, and are even going through layoffs now.

Granted, it's better to have good money now than wait, but the good times rarely last. Chasing fads will wear most mortals out eventually. If you do catch a fad wave, save up some cash rather than assume you'll stay on the top wave.

Comment I shouldda bought Raytheon stock earlier (Score 1) 70

US will need to put military-related satellites into a variety of different orbits to reduce the chance of mass debri sabotage. This includes plenty of spares and the ability to shift orbits if stalker satellites spoil a given orbit.

In short, there are counter measures, but they are not cheap.

Comment The other MeToo movement (Score 1) 25

a broader trend among tech giants, who are cutting costs and focusing on their core businesses in response to the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Shoving AI into all their existing products because ... well ... all the other fat cats are doing it.

If you get fired for going against the grain, you look like a rogue loser when you go job hunting.

If you get fired for going WITH the grain, you look like a generic loser when you go job hunting, but all your competitors are also a generic loser, leveling the playing field.

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