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Comment Re:But where can I look at a TV before I buy? (Score 0) 491

I agree; this is my biggest problem with the inevitability of online only retail. I don't mind buying (relatively) cheap items more-or-less blind, but when you start getting into hundreds and thousands of dollars it's harder to part with your money without seeing the item in person. Reviews are a nice source of information, but they can only tell you so much.

Another thing is that it's nice to go browsing every once in a while. Generally when you're going to buy something online you know ahead of time what you want; you don't really browse online in the traditional sense. I remember going to CompUSA and Circuit City and coming across all kinds of cool things (this was way back before everything turned to shit).

Sadly I think the only thing that's going to give brick-and-mortar retail a chance is taxing online retail, but at this point it's probably too late even for that. It's kind of sad thinking that in the future nobody's going to go to the store to buy anything anymore; it's all going to be shipped from a sterilized warehouse by computers and robots.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Grey

What can I say? Liam Neeson is one bad motherfucker. Interestingly he was in two of the previews before this movie (Wrath of the Titans and Battleship; yes, I will eventually see both (on DVD) because he is THAT awesome). So basically he's (sort of) part of a crew of oil workers up in Alaska; they are flying back into town or whatever when the plane goes down in a vast wasteland of ice and snow. As a side note I thought the scene of the plane crashing was very well done considering they d

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Journal Journal: what is going on 4

Has anybody else experience odd behavior with logging into Slashdot lately? Probably the past week or so every time I login I get redirected to some random page rather than the front page (usually my Edit User page, though not always).

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Journal Journal: First World Problems

Couldn't find anything decent to push my Amazon order to free shipping

Cancelled order

User Journal

Journal Journal: Shit

Little Earthquakes is fucking 20 years old. I don't feel quite so old since I didn't discover it until 1998 or so, but still. Also, what the fuck.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wow

Just completed Mass Effect 2; it is superb. Mass Effect 3 is just around the corner; can't wait.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Damn

Watching it live I wasn't too emotional about it (though I did enjoy it), but later that night and this morning the finality of Chuck really got to me. Haven't felt like this since I finished Firefly, though it's not quite that intense. At least with Chuck everyone knew the end was coming and the writers were able to give us a nice sendoff. I also listened to a podcast interview with Joss Whedon I had saved a while ago; they talked about Firefly and that perhaps added to the melancholy. S

User Journal

Journal Journal: Pretty decent

It didn't quite have that epic feeling I was hoping for, but overall I liked the Chuck finale. The Jeffster performance was a fitting finale, and I really loved the hard choice Chuck had to make between restoring Sarah's memory and saving the people in the concert hall. The last scene where he's telling her about their story is a nice outtro, but by far my favorite thing is that they left the ending open. They could have taken the easy way out and let Sarah remember everything, but that wo

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Journal Journal: End of an era

Chuck series finale is coming up. I didn't even watch it until this past summer, catching up on the previous 4 seasons. I don't think it was anything great, but it had the right mix of elements and it was fairly entertaining (especially compared to what else is currently airing); it's also always good to see a Browncoat in anything (the only reason I watch Castle). Kind of disappointing losing a show you enjoy, but at the same time I'm not into it enough to be bitter about it.

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