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Comment Swiffer-bot to the rescue! (Score 1) 10

InSight has been hit with a power crunch in recent months. Dust covered its solar panels, just as Mars was approaching the farthest point in its orbit around the sun. Flight controllers have boosted power by using the lander's robot arm to release sand into the blowing wind to knock off some of the dust on the panels.

If only some technician had installed Swiffer dusting attachments for the robot arm, the solar panels would have remained relatively clean.

Comment Re: Great (Score 1) 190

Well, there is an efficiency gain here. People don't use their computers all the time. So by having it on the cloud, you can share hardware with other people. And since not everyone uses their computers at the same time, 1000 users could be comfortable sharing the hardware for (say) 200 simultaneous users. Representing a 5-fold decrease in the amount of computer hardware required to provide the same services (basically, each user only needs to "buy" 1/5th of a computer).. Hmm. It sounds like you are describing a business system where people share time on a computer system. Gee, what was that called again? Oh yeah. TIMESHARE. Welcome to the 1970's.

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