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Comment Re:Deja vu all over again (Score 1) 71

However we are nearing the end of the era of human written computer programs and the start of the age of AI written programs. In the next decade the majority of software will be written by machines making manually written programs, no matter how elegant, superfluous.

That's precisely what they said about COBOL.

Comment It's basic reciprocality (Score 1) 194

The US started the argument

They did not. Years before this, ever heard of Google, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, Dropbox, Medium, Wikipedia, Pinterest... .etc? China banned them all way before Trump became president. We can talk if some of them can get unbanned from the Great Firewall. The world is still *too generous* when it comes to banning Chinese products. A lot more can be done. Huawei, ZTE, TikTok should only be the beginning.

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