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Comment Re: The government has been pushing college for ye (Score 3, Insightful) 266

" If you don't see the value in an educated populace, there's no hope for you"

If you don't see the drag on the economy such debt creates, there's no hope for you.

The way we are doing things is driving up the cost of education, increasing the amount of debt students must assume. And NOBODY appears to be doing a ROI when taking those loans.

Go to community college and then transfer to state. Shine there and maybe go to graduate school. You don't need "the college experience" on top of the education (living on campus across the country). Particularly if you need to take a loan for it.

30%-40% drop out and dont even get a degree. But they're still in debt. This isn't a healthy way to manage education or life planning.

"College isn't trade school"

Maybe a healthy chunk of folks should go to trade school if so many cant make to the finish line. Think about it! Plumbers are aging out and we don't have enough folks in the field to replace them! We need far more skilled plumbers than folks with degrees in biology or some generic humanities subject with post-grad skills as a barista.

Comment Don't remind people (Score 1) 106

No idea on the men-vs-women thing.

But it seems absolutely crazy for the DRMed media sales industry to remind people that their media could Just Work and be normal, instead of requiring specific proprietary players (a different one for each media source). They shouldn't even mention piracy, because that just plants the seed that people could instead have standard format files, where things are much more convenient than the awkward situation with DRMed media.

If we want people to just accept that things are shitty and must always remain shitty, then it's probably best to not encourage people to think about the topic at all. Shhhh! Don't bring it up, and pretend that the idea of a convenient media library, where users have the choice to use whatever player software that they want on whatever device that they want, simply doesn't exist at all.

Comment Cool, I guess (Score 1) 70

This reminds me of how in the 1980s, things like FPUs and MMUs were separate chips. Do you want an 80387 with your 80386? Do you want a 68851 with your 68020? But then the newer CPUs just came with that stuff.

Even if 90% of the machines sold over the next few years never use it (think of how many 80386 chips were running MS-DOS as a "fast 8086" and never went into protected mode), it's nice that on the software side you'll eventually be able to expect it. In 1988 you couldn't assume floating point was fast for everyone, but by 1998 you could.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 2) 104

Yep. Want to use the Amazon app or watch Amazon Prime movies? First, please install the Amazon App Store. Want to watch Netflix? There's a Netflix TV and Netflix Movie app, both available from the Netflix app store. Facebook? Oh, you want the Meta Store for that. It's your one-stop shop for all your Meta product needs, but not anything from other companies.

Eventually, your first several screens of apps will all be app stores to support the few useful apps you did install.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 160

"You figure more people would buy it if only it were more expensive?"

What I figure is that there will be less of it (content) if the value of the IP is lost.

Right now, I think the only two profitable streaming services are Netflix and Hulu -- but Hulu's days may be numbered since they were bought by Disney+ which is losing money hand over fist.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 0, Flamebait) 160

" just trying to re-impose horse whip industry on the unwilling consumers"

Not really related, is it?

There are people streaming IP that they have no right to -- and people paying (and often not paying) to watch it.

That is illegally lowering the value of the IP causing the LEGAL providers of the IP to lower prices (often below what is profitable). Lower the prices beyond what can make a profit and/or make the risk too high to be worth production costs and guess what? No new content.

Pidgeon logic. No understanding of short-term gains vs long term loses.

Comment Re:Hurray! (Score 4, Insightful) 64

Because providing such footage voluntarily is clearly a privacy violation?

"the program that had allowed law enforcement to seek footage from users on a voluntary basis"

Now they have to get a warrant and provide it to ring bypassing the ring doorbell's owners say in any of this.

I'm not seeing this as a privacy win.

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