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Comment Re:Smart TV? Help me understand... (Score 1) 128

Maybe what would work better might be some form of common interface for a media "box" to attach to a TV.

Rather than running as a separate unit, have a dock etc where you could install such a device where it would be able to get power, display output, and possible use the TV remote etc.

USB has been around for quite awhile in various incarnations, so maybe a hybrid USB+HDMI type interface might work.

Comment Re:Oblig. (Score 2) 413

Doesn't Egypt use a King?

He was acting rather Kingly, in the old oppressive model (unlike the dopey harmless old people model used around Europe and southeast Asia these days) ~14 million Egyptians called out, "Help! Help! We're being oppressed" and the army removed the threat rather efficaciously. The army has learned, too, they don't want to be in charge and blamed if anything goes tits-up. Tough job for that Head of the (now suspended) Constitutional Court.

Comment Republicans have toasted themselves (Score 0) 600

If the Republicans can get total control, even by slim majorities

That's one heck of a big "if"; they've been awful, just awful. Democrats are no stars, but I can't see any way I could vote for a republican at this juncture. When it comes to choosing the lesser of two evils, the Democrats win every time. Republicans have to stop screwing up left and right on women's issues, they they have to stop dragging their feet in congress, they have to stop the outright fraud in their conventions, they have to stop the superstitious crazy, they have to start paying attention to the people who don't have their own business, they have to stop trampling the constitution at every step (dems too, but the republicans are much worse), they have to stop making laws designed to keep the poor from voting...

I just can't see it. It seems to me that every move the republicans have made since about 2001 has been designed to push me towards the democrats. My guess is we're looking at democrat control of both houses, and 8 years of Hillary Clinton.

When the choice is between "wish it was better" and "OMFG, PLAGUE!"... well, you know.

Comment Re:Replaceable computer (Score 1) 317

If you are going to build something like this into a car, it must be upgrade-able and replaceable. Cars are used well over 10 years, any computer system would be hopelessly obsolete in half that time.

And the minute you buy the car some improvement comes out and if you can't upgrade a module easily you're stuck.

Sirius and XM merged about ten minutes after the car radio for my VW was manufactured, so it doesn't go to the higher channels. I'm not about to fork over $700 for a newer radio, when only the tuner needs a fix.

Comment Re:AppRadio (Score 1) 317

Pioneer AppRadio looks ideal - basically mirrors your phone's screen on it's 7" display. You need to do a bit of hacking to unlock the full potential, but the basic idea is brilliant.

The only real down-side is that the FM radio side sucks. If you mainly listen to playlists on your phone though it isn't a big issue.

Not really an option when you have a fairly sculpted dash, unless you want it to look like something the local maniac hacked together with his own three hands.

Comment Re:Shred of dignity (Score 1) 194

Thankfully real space programs prefer to operate with a pretext of a shred of dignity and class. Next thing you know we would have demands to name a moon somewhere after a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer...

Or a warrior princess...

Whose moons are these, some stinkin' committee, which allowed a bunch of frauds to demote Pluto to "dwarf planet" with disgusting act of skulduggery?

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