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Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

Which is a of course BS it absolutely was.

Your BS as it was only to free the aristocracy from the tyranny of the king. After the war the peasants were still subject to the tyranny of the same aristocrats. Remember all the garbage you were fed in school about the terrors of "the mob" and that's why the proles had to be kept as far away from actually having a say in their own governance? All the BS about "taxation without representation" and then vast majority of the populace subjected to taxation without representation as even White Anglo Saxon Protestant men weren't allowed to vote until they owned property.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

You mean the U.S. helped prepare Ukraine for the unprovoked Russian invasion?

Grow the fuck up. US had a tempter tantrum over a threat near its borders (Soviet nukes in Cuba) meant to counter a US threat near Soviet borders (US nukes first in Turkey) but Russia is supposed to roll over and take it when you overthrow their neighbor and make it de`facto NATO and load it up with billions in weapons? FOH.

  • Cheney and Wolfowitz planning Ukraine in NATO in early 90's, which everyone on both sides of the Atlantic warned for decades would lead to war with Russia:


    Rand paper you can still read on US plan to balkanize Russia, written three years before the war:


    Warnings including from Biden and his current CIA director, who was frantically warning Bushies in 2007 that even talk of Ukraine in NATO was risking war:


    Head of NATO, Stoltenburg bragging NATO expansion is what triggered the war:


    Leaders of both France and Germany admitting Minsk peace deals were a lie to Russia to arm Ukraine:


    Victoria Nuland, Cheney's advisor on Iraq invasion, same war criminal that organized 2014 coup and was recorded picking post coup leaders during the coup admitting to biolabs. Wouldn't have been so concerned about them falling into Russian hands if they were benign and just making covid vaccines:


How dare they help a fledgling democracy fend off an attacker!

The US destroyed Ukraine's democracy and sovereignty with the 2014 coup. Skip the gaslighting when Yanucovych agreed to lesser powers and early elections but was illegally replaced less than a week later. If your side really represented the majority they would have simply voted him out in said early elections:


It's always amusing when someone whines about Ukraine fighting off Russia when they deliberately ignore the Budapest Memorandum which Russia signed and which says, in part

Budapest is an own-goal as you trashed Ukraine's sovereignty in the 2014 coup. Not Russia. Moreso when the US said Budapest was unenforceable in order to sanction Belarus:


As for Taiwan, they're a sovereign country with free and open democratic elections.

Absolutely no one thinks Taiwan is a sovereign country. Not the US who has been working for decades for war with China just as it's worked for decades to make happen just as it has with Ukraine and Russia. And most of all not those on the island, who's constitution not only claims to be the "real" government of China but parts of other countries like Mongolia.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

The reason China is ringed by our bases is they pissed pff all their neighbors who welcomed us in to help defend themselves from China.

I'll take shit that never happened for $600, Alex. China pisses no one off by offering cheap goods on open markets, the only thing they're interested in doing. Why you pretend otherwise when the US is openly speaking of slowing China's technical advance to protect it's own economic interests. Australia are damned fools for being aggressive towards China when China is their top trading partner, and that trade insulated Australia from 2008 financial crisis and fueled their growth. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

US isn't protecting any part of the world, but most of the world needs protecting from the US. It's not Russia that has a thousand military bases around the world. It's not China that openly speaks of controlling the planet via Full Spectrum Dominance. It's not Venezuela that's obsessed with spying on everyone on the planet including supposedly close allies like German chancellors. It's not Iran that had a worldwide kidnapping and torture program. It's not North Korea that's overthrown dozens of democracies since WWII.

You mean we are helping a very close ally arm themselves to fend off further Chinese aggression.

Find off something that doesn't exist? Forming militias in Florida to fight polar bears would make more sense than the fairy tales you've internalized about China.

You misnamed the One China policy.

Not even remotely. China would be as happy with "one China two systems" in Taiwan as it is in Hong Kong. What they will not tolerate is their own soil being made into an unsinkable aircraft carrier off its coast. You wouldn't be shoving your head up your butt if China was spending billions to arm and support the secessionist movement in Puerto Rico, doing aggressive "freedom of navigation" maneuvers with naval fleets and repeatedly voicing its willingness to use military force to protect Latin America from the US.

Which, unlike your fartbrained ideas about China, is an actual threat from the US. Right now your leaders are trying to talk enough African countries into invading Haiti for the fourth time in a century and change to look 5% less racist for doing so.

China couldn't wait for the century of British imperalism fucking with Hong Kong in 1997.


Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

Imagine Texas

Imagine coming up with a remotely relevant analogy, as that isn't one.

It has never been the PRCs to rule. Ever.

As dumb and pointless as saying Republicans had no business running the country in 1860's as they were a new party.

The CCP started a civil war and win only most but not all of it.

No, they were just the winners. Take your whining to western imperialists who made a mess of China in the first place and Japan for following in their footsteps.

You making shit up about what I said isn't just nonsense it's you speewing CCP propaganda.

Facts you don't like are not propaganda. Grow up and out of your mindless McCarthyism.

Comment Re:stoopid hens, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

That's the US numb nuts not Russia. It's not Putin who tapped close ally Merkel's personal phone, that was Obama. It's not Russia that broke every promise made when the USSR was falling apart, that was the US.

"It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." - Henry Kissinger

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

The Chinese are blasting ships with water cannons and setting up bases on islands that are not part of their territory. The idea that they are defending themselves from aggression is ludicrous.

American response to 911 was to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, two countries who had nothing to do with it instead of Saudi Arabia, which financed it and where almost all the hijackers were from. With accompanying worldwide kidnapping & torture program. Who the fuck are you to point fingers at China? Can you even name the last country they invaded or democracy they've overthrown, compared to the US just this century?

Please name the last time the US seized land by force. Hint: It was the 19th century.

Hint: you've made a fool out of yourself, as the US has flat out claimed for years to own, literally own, the 1/3 of Syria its ben illegally occupying for years for BS reasons:


Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

My God, you're stupid. Absolutely nothing is as you depict it.

Try everything. And I have all the receipts.

You must be a Russian or Chinese troll.

20 years ago you must have been screaming that anyone who questioned WMD's or the claims that Iraq planned 911 was a Saddam Lover. Same McCarthyite shit different day.

Russia could have joined NATO. They didn't want to.

Tell us you have no idea what you're talking about without telling us. Putin just like Stalin offered to join NATO shortly after taking over from Yeltsin but was refused.

Because the whole Russian psyche thing is about how they are better than everybody, including their friends in China, and they don't need anybody's help.

Do you use an M-777 or a HIMARs for your projection? Russia doesn't openly declare Russian exceptionalism, to be the "leader the free world", the shining city on the hill etc etc. That's you. After having a worldwide kinapping & torture program, 1,000 military bases around the world, and overthrown dozens of democracies since WWII.

I can tell you that most Ukrainians just want to live in peace and be part of the EU.

Except they didn't, which is why you had to overthrow their democratically elected president in 2014. Ukraine needed money and Europe offered a high interest loan with brutal austerity provisions like cutting wages and pensions. Usual "free market" BS that sells public assets to foreign "investors". Whereas Russia offered a simple low interest loan and cheap deal on gas:

Late last year, with Ukraine's state coffers running low because of overspending on political priorities like subsidizing natural gas and increasing the wages of government workers, President Viktor Yanukovych faced a choice. The European Union offered a trade deal that promised to boost Ukraine's sluggish economy in exchange for harsh and politically unpopular austerity measures. Russia offered $15 billion and didn't ask Yanukovych to change much of anything. Unsurprisingly, he rejected the EU deal and opted for Moscow's bailout instead. Thousands of angry Ukrainians took to the streets in protest, and they haven't left.

"Angry Ukrainians" being the tried and true CIA rent-a-mobs used in Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Libya, Iran again, Cuba etc cuz actual people don't want their wages and pensions cut. And you can skip the "it wasn't a coup" gaslighting when Yanukovych agreed to fewer powers and early elections to settle the dispute yet was illegally replaced less than a week later. If you're supposed pals really represented the majority, they would have simply voted him out of office. You can also skip the "parliament voted to remove him from office" when they didn't get the required number of votes to do so - ask Trump how that works.

Russia doesn't want them to exist because having presidents who don't stay in power forever shows Russians that they could have that too.

Was FDR a dictator because he was elected to a buncha terms, or because he was popular? Even Putin haters in Russia agree that having a hostile military alliance extend to Ukraine, which was used as a German invasion corridor in both world wars that cost Russia dearly, is an intolerable existential threat.

The whole "NATO caused this" excuse is just wrong.

Might wanna tell your boy Stoltenburg that. He's been openly bragging for over a year that aggressive NATO expansion triggered the war. Biden warned you of the same in 1997 when he had a functioning brain. Biden's CIA director was frantically warning Bush in 2007 that even talk of admitting Ukraine into NATO might lead to war.

If if you think that's just irrational, remember how the US threatened WWIII over the Turkish Missile Crisis at the prospect of a threat near its border. But you want Russia to roll over like dog.

Second, just so your dumb ass knows, the CCP has literally never ruled Taiwan.

Literally irrelevant, dumberass. Lets say a third party manages to replace one of our worthless corrupt warmongering parties, as the Republicans replaced the Whigs in the 1860's. Does that mean the South gets to secede again "because they've never been ruled by the Liberarians/Greens?" Taiwan has been part of China for centuries. Cope.

That makes democratic governments, particularly ones that show that such governments can actually work for ethnic Chinese people, a threat to China.

Except your precious liberal "democracies" are really oligarchies where the will of the people has as little affect on their governance as possible, by design. Think of all the claptrap you were fed in school about "the mob" when the worst disasters and depravities in human history were all made by elites. Hell, even White Anglo Saxon Protestant men weren't allowed to vote at the start unless they owned property.

I'm going to be blunt here - China would destroy the entire world if they could before the CCP would give up power.

It's not China that even has a term for controlling the entire planet, "Full Spectrum Dominance." Again, that's you. It's not China occupying most of Europe 80 years after WWII and 32 since fall of USSR. That's you. It's not China that has an obsession with spying on every conversation on the planet, that's you with the NSA. It's not China that's spent over a decade trying to send a journalist to prison for nearly two centuries for revealing its war crimes, that's you.

Believe me when I tell you that there is no future in which China and Russia in their current forms survive and there isn't another World War about it.

China and Russia get stronger every day while your ballsack drops millimeter by millimeter closer to the bandsaw that is the end of the petrodollar, and with it America's economy, currency and Empire. And you've done this to yourself. By using sanctions - which murdered 500,000 Iraqi kids in the 90's - against anyone you're annoyed with has forced them to find alternatives to the USD and US dominated financial markets.

Vast majority of humanity and the planet are sick and tired of your hypocritical imperialist bullshit.

Comment Re:Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 1) 196

It's been China for hundreds of years just like Tibet and Hong Kong. US has officially recognized the One China policy for decades and still does to this day. No one actually believes Taiwan is an independent country, most of all the people on the island, who's constitution not only claims to be the "real" government of China but parts of other countries like Mongolia.

Whether your Red or Blue Maga, imagine your political opponents bugger off to American Samoa after losing the 2016 or 2020 elections in a fit of pique. That doesn't make them an independent country.

Comment Oh noes, how dare they defend themselves (Score 3, Interesting) 196

Hate China all you want, its a free country here you can do that, but what would be the American response if China (or Russia) ringed the US with military bases as the US has done to China (and Russia). US still claims to stand by the One China policy that recognizes Taiwan as part of China just like Hong Kong, yet keeps spending billions to support secessionist parties and prepping Australia to fight China just as it did with Ukraine on Russia.

Pretty analogous would be China spending billions to support the secessionist movement in Puerto Rico (or even Texas) and sending naval fleets close to American shorelines for "freedom of navigation" exercises. As a warning for the US not to invade Puerto Rico (why would you want to invade something already yours) and to protect Latin America from the US (which actually has a very long history of coups and invasions in the region).

Comment Dave Chappelle (Score 1) 113

Saw a Youtube short on how he has a police scanner so he knows when to stay home. Like if he hears the cops say "suspect is black man between 4'6" and 6'8" in height". Since facial recognition is notoriously bad with black faces.

See also, FBI mismatching fingerprints after the 2006 Madrid train bombing to a lawyer. They got real interested in him when they found out he had some flying lessons but never completed them. Fortunately they realized their mistake before doing their usual tactic of offering him a plea deal for 15 years in prison but if he took it to trial he would risk life with no possibility of parole:


Comment Re:Same old tired 'end of career confessions' (Score 2, Insightful) 59

If it was that serious back 20 years ago, why didn't those persons send the information to the congressional investigation committee?

Because "proper channels" are designed for coverups, not transparency or oversight. The only guy to go to prison for the CIA's torture program, a former CIA agent named John Kiriakou who revealed its existence, was told by Sen John Kerry to stop investigating CIA war crimes in Afghanistan.


See also, Manning and Snowden, who tried raising their concerns to superiors only to be shut down. We're also going to hear lots of horror stories about Boeing over the next few years.

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