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Comment Re:Oh dear (Score 1) 413

Do you all truly believe that an all loving God will not accept a person like Hawkins? Just because he did not believe while he was here??? Hell is staying away from the light of God after you died. I think Mr Hawkins will not fear to go toward the light.


Comment Re:Obesity & Bacteria (Score 1) 397

You've got to read this interview with Dr Robert H Lustig MD who is Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco.
Trust me, it's very insightful and informative!


Exactly, in fact exercise is the best treatment. The question is why does exercise work in obesity? Because it burns calories? That's ridiculous. Twenty minutes of jogging is one chocolate chip cookie, I mean you can't do it. One Big Mac requires three hours of vigorous exercise to work that off, that's not the reason that exercise is important, exercise is important for three reasons exclusive of the fact that it burns calories.

The first is it increases skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity, in other words it makes your muscle more insulin sensitive, therefore your pancreas can make less, therefore your levels can drop, therefore there's less insulin in your blood to shunt sugar to fat. That's probably the main reason that exercise is important and I'm totally for it.

Comment Re:Pascal's Wager (Score 1) 848

"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."

Very insightful comment! I see it that way too :)

Then again there will be people who will tell you: If you do not take advantage of everyone else around you to make your life better, then you are an idiot, because it won't matter after you died.

I find the thought disturbing to say the least...

Comment Re:This is not a bad idea (Score 1) 848

I have been told today that there is no such thing as THE Scientific Method. "Scientists" are not even agreed on a common definition of this method! I am shocked!

I don't understand why we do "science" then? Maybe we should have different types of science, different words for it, just to make sure that people know what they are talking about when they exchange "scientific" studies.

I am not trolling here. I truly don't get it. How can we cite science as "Science" if those practicing it do not even have a common definition for their practice??

Comment Re:This is not a bad idea (Score 1) 848

No, not at all (on both points). And I'm starting to get the impression that you are Trolling.

I am not trolling! I truly was not aware of this.

I am really shocked here. I am happy to have asked these questions today, because this changes things for me.


PS: Sorry, I first posted my reply at the wrong post.

Comment Re:This is not a bad idea (Score 1) 848

Thank you very much for your insightful post.

I was born (or made by my parents to become) a Christian too (Catholic), I don't practice it anymore though, in fact I don't practice any religion at this time. But I still think spirituality has it's part to play in the human psyche :)

That said, I would never use any of the teachings of my religion as a point of view to do science. I would keep these two as completely separate thought processes.

I did not know there were some observations that had been predicted by a religion. Even in this case, it would only take one prediction for which we have evidence that it did not happen in the way described, for us to disprove this "prophet". Would it not?

Comment Re:This is not a bad idea (Score 1) 848

Thank you so much for your post.

Please note that I am just a layman here, you probably knew that :) I am a programmer/analyst. I am not a scientist. I just love science.

Your post was most informational. In fact I am in shock, this throws a couple of my preconceptions of the world out of the window.

In the light of all this then, it seems to me that we should not try to squash the believers in creationism. They might have the right to exist after all.

I still don't believe in creationism of course and I don't think they could make me change my mind :)

Thank you again !

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