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User Journal

Journal Journal: Beta Metamod Updates 28

This won't significantly affect most of you, but we have been working on some meta mod changes. The most user visible change is that the UI we used to use was thrown out, and instead we are using one based on the firehose. Subscribers will see it when they go to the old metamod link although users can see it by going to this version of those hose

The first real change is that we've changed the meanings of the UI around. The old system is 'Fair' and 'Unfair' and the new system is '+' and '-'. The meanings are subtly different. You are no longer rating individual 'Insightful' or 'Troll' or whatever... you are now stating basically "Is this comment good or bad for you". Personally, since I find very few Score:5 funny comments to be actually really funny (and not just cliche memes) I '-' most of them. You are encouraged to be harsh if you don't actually think something is insightful or funny, call it such. The system encourages more of what you + and less of what you -.

You are also welcome now to do more than 10 m2 per day... however we internally have diminishing returns after 10, so you can do more, but they start to matter less and less.

There will undoubtedly be bugs so feel free to email me or vroom at slashdot if you find them. Probably next week or so we'll move this out to everyone, so your assistance is appreciated.


Journal Journal: AdWords: Google sizes me up

GMail's displayed ad:

As I read a news alert from Forbes: "Making Money Doing Nothin - - I Cracked the Code to Making Money. Now I'm Rich and You're Not."

As I move on to the table of contents from Nature: "Labmeeting - - A new free tool for scientists that organizes your paper collection."

Classic Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Defender In Your Favicon 1

Arcade classic Defender has been reimplemented as DEFENDER of the favicon, a game which plays in the favicon in your browser address bar. Only works in Opera and Firefox (with some garbage collection choking in the latter), unfortunately. Still, beyond awesome.
The Internet

Journal Journal: D2 Remembers What You've Read 5

Well, for subscribers only this week at least. We have a half dozen minor bugs left in the TODO list, but if you are a paying subscriber you can test it out. It works best if you are using the keybindings to navigate. Pressing 'f' takes you to the next unread comment respecting thread order... so you can press that over and over again.

We also added a thing to 'collapse comments after reading' which I think I might turn of as a default setting soon. This is only usable for subscribers atm as well. But basically, as you navigate through a discussion, it collapses the comments you've read after you move on. This makes it really easy to navigate large discussions without having to scroll over 150 comments you've already read.

we're aware of a number of annoying bugs, but hopefully most of them will be squashed by Pudge for this weeks code refresh. If things are stable, we hope to roll this out for everyone rsn.

also my baby cut his first tooth yesterday. My furniture will never be ungnawed upon again.


Journal Journal: I've known *that* for a long time... 4

I was intrigued to see the "Road Rage Linked To Automobile Bumper Stickers" article. As I mentioned there, I'd observed that long ago, and giving extra room to heavily-stickered vehicles is one of the cornerstones of safety in my bicycle commuting.

Comment of the day, unfortunately buried under a torrent of projection about how people with Jesus fish are hate-filled bigots who think they're better than other people, is Anne Nonymous.

OS 9

Journal Journal: I've been modded down for a lot of things... 1

...once, I and others who pointed out a basic math error in the story all got modded down, but I've never been dinged for insufficient worship of Jimi Hendrix before!

Journal Journal: Bizarre Pandora result of the day

People Listening to This Artist


(also listening to: Dar Williams)

"This Artist" being King Kobra, of Iron Eagle (Never Say Die) fame.


Journal Journal: Jimmy Buffett buys a casino; Poll 2

Apparently there's already a Margaritaville casino under construction in Biloxi, but the Trump Hotel Casino is now being sold to a group that will be turning it into another Buffett-themed casino.

There's a poll topic: Who is the most money-obsessed licenser of his/her name and image?

  • Jimmy Buffett
  • Rachael Ray
  • Peyton Manning
  • Krusty the Klown
The Gimp

Journal Journal: Comment of the day 2

El Lobo on the Mono platform story, with a fantastic analogy in support of a completely misguided point.

I mean, it's like if an icecream maker would like to make icecream on an refrigerator inside an oven.

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