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Comment Re:and now for a god test (Score 1) 80

Neanderthals aren't disabled human beings, they're a completely different type of hominid. Now there's some debate about speciation (whether they're truly a different species than h. sapiens), but calling a neanderthal disabled *human* doesn't make sense. It would be like saying coyotes are disabled wolves. But yeah, there are certainly ethical concerns about cloning a hominid.

Comment Re:and now for a god test (Score 3, Informative) 80

A genetic bottleneck is one way to look at it, but diseases that developed in one isolated population can wreak havoc in a different isolated population regardless of the 2nd groups genetic diversity. Look at what happened when Central Asian plague reached Europe in the middle ages... a huge portion of the European population had no resistance and got wiped out. So: bottlenecked low-diversity population, or isolated population with no exposure to the pathogen?

Comment Re:15 years? (Score 2, Insightful) 402

It would only be treason if the spy had been a US citizen. You can't commit treason against a foreign country.

TFA doesn't specify the guy's current citizenship status, only that he was says the guy was originally born in China. He's also 74 years old and in poor health. A 15 year sentence is pretty close to a death sentence at that rate.


Tritium Leak At Vermont Nuclear Plant Grows 295

mdsolar writes "The tritium leak into ground water at Vermont Yankee has now tested at 775,000 picocuries per liter, 37 times higher than the federal drinking water standard. 'Despite the much higher reading, an NRC spokeswoman said Thursday there was nothing to fear. "There's not currently, nor is there likely to be, an impact on public health or safety or the environment," the NRC's Diane Screnci said in an interview. She had maintained previously that the Environmental Protection Agency drinking water safety limit of 20,000 picocuries per liter had an abundance of caution built into it. ... The National Academy of Sciences said in 2005 that any exposure to ionizing radiation from an isotope like tritium elevates the risk of cancer, though it also said with small exposures, the risk would be low. ' At what level should the NRC shut down the troubled plant?"

Comment Re:Maybe its the school thats failing (Score 1) 1343

Maybe. Although more likely I suspect the failed students don't understand *any* type of grammar, traditional or otherwise. Inability to use proper English indicates the students are poorly read and have little experience writing English. University educations require reading modern literature which, last time I checked, was written in English rather than omgwtfbbq.

Name just 1 scholarly journal thats writaen n txt spk then maybe u got a point.

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