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User Journal

Journal Journal: Rain

So, I feel like I've picked on Solemn's writing a couple of times now, and haven't given her a chance to reciprocate. Plus, the wife's out of town, and I'm bored and the kids are asleep. So:

User Journal

Journal Journal: $5 MP3 player fun 2

I thought I'd experiment with posting something to the Instructables site. If you're interested, check it out. It's just a couple of really cheap parts plugged together, but I think one could get some good mischief out of it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: iTunes alphabet

Blame btlzu2. Alright, this sounds like a fun one, anyway.

(What, no numbers & symbols?)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Handguns for everyone! 2

In further stirring up trouble news:
Judge Overturns Controversial SF Hand Gun Ban

So I think the sane thing happened here, and the [clear to me] Constitutional bit about arms was upheld, against a city popular vote. (Though it was done at a State level so far.)

Plus, you gotta love this sentence from the article:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Want to see my kids? 10

So last weekend, I went to the Makers Faire. I wish I had taken the kids, there was lots of cool stuff for them to do and see. But the way things had worked out, I hadn't planned for that well. I'll make an effort to take them next year.

So while I was there, I bought them a 10-pack of throwies. It was $20, which I think is a pretty decent deal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [Beloved] got Back 4

A little something I've worked on in my head over the years. Apologies if it's a little gay.

A poem for johndiii:

When at last I see thy bubble
My chub it swells up double.
Homeboys and whiteboys pulse through their jeans
All the world could agree and even Becky got to see.

Baby got back
You make me want to smack dat
As I wander in a haze
Oakland booty strikes me in the face

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dreams? 10

Any dream analysts out there? Been having a number of weird violent dreams lately. Had a nap yesterday, was dreaming about killing people, bad guys. I was on some sort of moutain thing, it was a video game or action movie setting or something. The guns weren't working very well, I'd shoot someone several times until I'd run out of ammo, and I'd have to start with the stabbing. The stabbing would make a mess, but still wasn't working well. I think I eventually had to push a few guys over

User Journal

Journal Journal: AIM MovieFone bot

So, I guess like everyone else in the world who has an AIM account, I've got these couple of new bots in my friends list.

I figure, what the heck, I'm up for a game of Eliza. Here's what I got:

ryanrussellbb 5:50
So, uh.... how's it going?

User Journal

Journal Journal: iBook/OS X update 4

So, several of you may recall my whining about trying to get used to OS X on this iBook I have. One of the things I was holding judgement on was how more RAM would affect things.

So, a couple of days ago, I got the more ram. I went from 384MB to 1.25GB (256-on board, swapped 128MB stick for 1GB stick. RAM is now maxed out.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: The future is already here 4

"the future is already here--it's just unevenly distributed." -- William Gibson (So I hear, I haven't researched it myself.)

So Saturday, I'm driving around (see previous JE about where I was driving to/from.) And I see some billboard with an ad for memory cards. And I got to thinking about storage technology.


Journal Journal: Typing with gloves on 17

OK, I see none of you know where to find a copy of "So Much love" either. Fine then.

So, I haven't noticed much about the Slashdot change. That's because I'm trying to use a Mac as my daily desktop, and everything has looked different for a couple of days anyway. You may recall the screen on my XP laptop got cracked. While I haven't done anything in particular with that machine yet, I needed a new machine for my web browsing, email and such.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Arr

It's violate copyright like a pirate day, right?

Anyone know some place I can get a copy of the song "So Much Love" by Amazulu? I've tried the iTunes, P2Ps, and such... I haven't had any luck so far. I think it might have only been released on vinal? Which could limit the internets availability. I don't think I could even figure out which album it would be on, since you can only buy CDs online in the usual places.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
