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Journal Journal: I miss the cherries... 2

Times were not always bad as a kid. When I was by myself I was happiest because there was no abusive people around...Explains why I shy away from people and enjoy solitude.

I don't want to be like this anymore.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Quick money makin schemes... 2

I'm poor as hell, but i'm smart, I live in silicon valley. I got an idea and a garage. Totally illeagle but i'd rather do this than sell dope to make ends meet.

I've been looking at these motherboards lately. My hero in the world of programming built a jamma cabinet using a duron 800mhz
setup and dos. Good old fucking dos, makes me think back to novell IPX drivers, anyways.

There's a lot of shady little liquor stores, video rental places that would love to upgrade their current bootleg street fighter to a 3000 in 1 arcade machine I bet. I think I could easily sell the board and perform the upgrade
for $300 bucks. Shit I got the entire mame romset

More so, I might even be able to convert these machines to internet devices. Yes that's right, play street fighter and surf the web in dos.

Aww fuck, I shaved my head clean today, I know i'm going insane. I'm still losing a ton of weight, I'm starting to look like a skeleton. I cannot put my finger on the root of my despair. It grips me to where I
am completly frozen and unable to move sometimes.

I try and come up with these crazy idea's just to make myself feel better I think. Like somehow dreaming up idea's all day is going to get me anywhere. I screwed up, but my parents did a great number on me too.

When I was 12 my mother had me committed to keep my father from seeing me. Ever been a 12 year old with a 138iq in a crazy house full of crazy adults?

It was a great year, I was 12, had a paper route, Good close buddys that I still talk to to this day, a romantic interest with a girl 6 months older than me named janet marty. 2 years had passed since the cops took me away from
my old man for the religious beatings he gave me. Of course my mother was an insane person who couldn't accept the fact that I was happy, after all she was miserable from living with my father and if she could prove he
affected me for the rest of my life, possibly she could go after him some more.

She kept trying to get me to go to counseling, which I just didn't want to. Heck I wanted to go to campbell creek to jump off the bridge or go fishin with manny. Go hang out at pizza my dear on wednesday night all you can eat
pizza night with my girl. Life was so much better than it had been at dads. Heck I even had an appleIIc and was learning how to make computer animation in Movie Maker by electronic arts. I was even over the wounds my dad
inflicted, and I wanted to reconsile our relationship. But my mother didn't want this.

She kept insisting I was a problem, and my father offerered to take me for the summer. The day he was supposed to pick me up she called a shrink down from valley medical center (county mental health) to have a look at me. When
she started with the "How Do you Feel today?" bullshit I told her no thanks, nobody would be picking my brain today, I need to go outside to wait for my father.

As I reached for the door, my stepfather grabbed me, I fought, he threw me on the couch and him, my mother, and the lady all sat on my chest. I wasn't gonna go down that easy. I was screaming my head off, they tried putting
their hands over my mouth, I took some nice juicy bites. My stepfather ran off screaming, came back with a dirty wet dishrag and stuffed it into my mouth as a gag. The police came, handcuffed me, and took me down for observation.

During the observation I tried to talk as rationally as possible. I tried to keep my cool. My father stopped by, but since my mother told the lady he was the root of my evil he was escorted away by the police.

After 72 hours it was decided I needed 2 weeks in another facility called monte villa. I would spend 6 months there before the insurance ran out. That was the only reason I was declared "Ready to Go!" Anyone who knows
a Dr. Freedlander should imeadiately go seek a second opinion. The man had no scruples then, I doubt he has them now.

He would try to induce symptoms in me through medication. On a depressed day I got a healthy dose of halodol "See the patient is lacking motivation" Maybe a little ritilin to make me bounce off the walls so they
could restrain me. Lock me in a little 6x9 room to let me piss on myself. Telling me everyday shit like "oh your iq was 138 now it's 136, you must have left your brain in a basket" Asswipe, now that i'm old enough
to understand it all better, OF COURSE THERE WOULD BE A 2 POINT VARIENCE IF:


His job was to lie to me, to get me to hate my father, to get me to hate my fathers family. Evertime I tried sneaking a phone call to my fathers family I would be ripped off the phone and drug into restraints.

He tried to break me every way he could imagine. He stuck me in a room with a molestor named Kieth Harris. Freedlander even asked me if there was anything going on, he knew damn well what was happening. I knew if I was going to
make it out of this I would have to keep my mouth shut otherwise he would be able to convince the courts that I needed shock therapy. Yes folks, this asshole wanted to fry my brains good.

I kept trying to annoy the fuck out of him and his staff by calling the patients rights advocacy every day. One day they sent some big ol lady down to mediate. They sent their biggest cunt bag of a nurse to argue that I
needed to be kept in. She knew all the right things to say to push my buttons. "Toq why did you shit in the garbage can in the spare shower?" Searching for answers, was I to tell her I just got assraped and I ran
in there to wash the dirtyness off, I shit in the garbage to cleanse my asshole?
"I had to go real bad, I didn't wanna slip on the floor or shit in the shower, so I went to the closest place I could". Fuck,
sometimes I wonder if my cowardice in keeping my trap shut was the good choice. Had I said something then and there my life's course might have been different. I was a child, being lied to by a professional that took a hippocratic
oath. A manipulated, medicated tool for getting that insurance money.

My fathers family was fighting a desperate fight to save me from my mother and this mad psychiatrist. When all you see are walls, and group therapy, and adults smoking, and some stupid fucking idiot getting the coke cans taken
away because the dumb broad uses them to cut herself, you actually begin to take on your enviroment. You go from normal, to a lunatic without even realising it.

Most insurance at the time only gave 2 months of mental health. To get it up to the 6 months was a work of pure evil. First they drained my mother and stepfathers insurance, then freedlander showed my mom how she could get a
court order for my dads insurance to pay. That motherfucker is a blood thirst vampire I tell ya. If you're seeing him now I hope you're having second thoughts.

When it was all out, they just sort of release me. I went back to junior high as a REAL POPULAR kid oh yeah! Little girls chasing me around "Looney BOy LooneY BOY!" My mother made it worse by insisting that the
school keep me medicated, despite it making me fall asleep in class. Now I was one of those special kids that went to the nurses office to take crazy pills, the stigma was more than I could stand. The school refused me woodshop
because they thought I was going to cut off some poor kids head.

I started to crack, seeking social acceptance I started to do any dare anyone would throw my way. My friends dared me to moon the class one time, it felt good to finally do something that made people laugh at my command
than laugh at will at me.

Unfortunately this got me in trouble too. The cops came to my school and scolded me. My mother took this as an oppertunity to get me locked up again. My mom used to like to tell her she was the boss of me, despite
me being older. I started walking out of the house when my sis jumped in front of the door.

"YOU AREN'T GOIN ANYWHERE!" :P I just looked at her and laughed a bit. I gently picked her up, pivoted 180 degree's and set her down. With my mothers translation it became, "HE THREW HER ACROSS THE

I met a real nigger in juvinile hall that night. Sorry if you black folk out there don't like me using that word but that is what he was. All night he threatened to kick my ass if I didn't play some hand slapping game with him.
Fucker nearly made my hands bleed. Kept talking to me about how great it was to sell crack and steal hubcaps. This was what ghetto niggers did in the 80's. Yeah sorry, 14 year old crack dealing pursesnatchers who have dark skin
are niggers. Hate to tell you that.

My fathers family got a court order that I be placed in the childrens shelter while the adults figured out what the fuck to do with my life. Great now the people that fucked up my life were in court trying to decide how
to fuck it up more. My family was in the unfortunate bind of trying to make my father look like he was a decent father so he could take me home. My mother kept trying to prove my fathers abuse was the root of my mental
illness's and I needed to go to a state mental facility. Then after 4 months my savior stepped in.

My grandmother took me in and started trying to rebuild my confidence. She bought me all new clothes, toys, I even had my own bathroom in my bedroom! Sweet fucking jesus life was going to go great from here! But as usual
with my sorry ass life, parents fucking shit up and all, it went in a direction she never knew would take course...

A lot of you may wonder, why do I name names in my posts? It's revenge, no matter what I could do to them in real life, I will have eternalized their villany in my writing. There is nothing worse I can do to them. (*note paraphrased movie quote)

Till next week, this is toq ending another rant.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Now they try and tell us how to be geeks 2

I remember 7 years ago, when windows95 was just coming out, and everyone was still using NDS how it wasn't cool to be a geek.

The cool people wanted nothing to do with you, they just wanted you to fix their pc and go away, back to whatever it was you were doing. For me it was back to my desk to dial out to the roadkill grill to get my BRE turns in.

Over the years, the meaning of geek has gone from really smart social retard to ooh you're smart and cool let's pay you lot's of money to "oh you're one of those lazy dot commers I should avoid hiring you like the plague"

The bad part was, the social vampires took our jobs with thier abilities to shmooze. Too many real geeks are nothing more than casualties living Unemployment check to unemployment check.

The companies wonder why their machines still don't work right...

Since 9/11 i've been seeing a lot that privacy I used to enjoy as a geek being taken away. The net was our shelter from reality, free of borders and boundries the kids of the internet day have very quickly surpassed the modem kids of my day. I know 16 year olds that know linux inside and out! It's amazing what some of these kids can do.

Their parents watch their closed doors nervously. They stay in their rooms all day, all they hear is click click tap tap. Is their kid doing drugs? Is he a hacker? Are they somehow helping the terrorist?

No, it's none of the above. You get to a point with computers where it get's harder and harder to explain what it is that you're doing to normal people. It's not 3l33tism. We just don't feel like wasting an hour explaining something you're not going to understand anyways and we'd rather go spend time with our machines than spend another fucking minute talking to your stupid ass.

30 in Feburary. Jeesh, I can't believe how quickly this time has passed. Wife, house, dog, cat, I'm allmost ready to be a parent. I look forward to seeing that closed door with the clickety click tap tap sound coming from my kids bedroom.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lil disapointed with the moderation of this comment 2


The story was about office toys (nerf guns, ect) Seeing as how i've been attacked by these projectiles while working at metricom, I thought i'd share this little page in my life..

Well, I had ppl tell me "Oh poor baby" or "You must have been the kid that cried when playin dodgeball" To them I say this, Fuck you!

Metricom was one of those idiot jobs I poured my heart and soul into (I was 19-20?) Quite a bit older and wiser now, I no longer let myself become attatched to any job. Fuck em, if they want loyal devout followers they should start a fucking church.

I used to work 60+hours a week there, the customer was #1 in my book. I jumped at ever bit of overtime I could just to show them I was a "company man"

Somehow I just didn't fit in with this rich brat crowd from Los Gatos, didn't matter how much I worked my ass off, if I wasn't a part of the "in" crowd I wasn't going to make it anywhere in that company, and I didn't.

To my defense, my termination was a big deal for the lvl 1 techs and even one of the lvl 2 techs. Everyone knew I was targetted because I was such a hard worker. Keith Donahue quit the day after I was fired. This level 2 tech was a guy that worked at IBM on OS/2.

I remember one day, Rick Ried came to fuck with me..

"Toq, you got a minute? Let's go outside and talk!"


So i followed him outside to the great big oak tree with the benches around it.

"You know toq, you need to pick it up a bit"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, frankly it's the way you dress, it's unprofessional"

I looked us both over real quick.

Me Rick
White T White T
Black Dockers 501's
Dr Martins Redwing boots

Seeing as how we were pretty much dressed the same I asked him to point out the differences in our styles.

"Well, it's not so much what you're wearing, it's how you wear it" he said

"What do you mean? Both our shirts are tucked in, you're wearing boots, i'm wearing boots, I'm sorry I just don't see a difference!"

"Well, that's the problem, you just don't get it"

Now at this point, I should have realized he was trying to say "We can't fire you because we don't like you, but if you quit then we won't look like bad guys"

Instead I took everything as literal statements.

"Rick, tell you what. I know both of us aren't working this saturday why don't we get together, go to the mall, and do some damage to my credit so we can get me a more 'metricom' wardrobe?"

"No that's not the solution, now would you just listen to me? I like you, and I want to help you."

I went around for maybe another 20 minutes with him about this. I just didn't see WTF he was talking about. Here I was, doing everything I though was right, workin my ass off, getting thank you letters from customers, helping the other lvl 1 techs get up to speed, and this asshole was complaining about the way I dressed!

Well, as soon as I walked back in and sat down, my hero, my techie father figure Keith Donahue walks up.

"Got a second toq?"

"Sure anytime keith!"

So I logged out of the phone system and followed keith around the corner.

"What was Rick talking to you about outside?"

"He was telling me I didn't dress good enough for the company"

"WHAT?!? That's Illeagle! That's discrimination!" He went on to explain that had I been indian (or some other middle eastern person, can't recall) part of my religion means I dress in funny clothes and only shower once a week.

I love you Keith if you're reading this :) I never tried to keep in touch, wish we had :)

Well, keith told me don't put up with it. Like a dummy though, I thought maybe if I did pick it up a bit maybe they would leave me alone long enough to do my job.

A few weeks later, I went out and bought that new wardrobe. One of our lvl 1 techs (tom van leer?) cut hair, so I went to his house in the evening and got a hair cut. Tom, that had to be the best hair cut this head of hair ever had!

I came into the office the next day, new clothes, new hair, and ready to fit in. I figured it was time to put the past behind me, forgive those that tresspassed upon me, and start fresh.

Well, I got called into HR. I was thinking maybe that transfer to IT went through and I was going to finally transcend from this hell of phone que's and vantive trouble tickets.

I sat down, Mike Newton and the HR lady was there. Mike in a very quick and straight voice told me I was fired and before I had a chance to rebut it, he ran out of the room and left the HR lady to deal with me. Since then i've heard many bad things about that man.

Tears started welling in my eyes, I started to cry. It just wasn't fair that I went through all this trouble to "fit in" and now i'm getting fired. I had poured my heart and soul into this company. I thought this would be the place I would work at for the rest of my life. I was getting married in 3 months!

Walking back to my cube to collect my things the other lvl 1 techs just read my face. I didn't have to tell them. They all got up, formed a circle around me and gave me a big group hug. I looked out from the storage room to see Jaq and Rick with very satisfied looks on their faces. Keith dropped the call he was on and came in to find out what was happening.

"Did you just get fired?"

I nodded my head.

I saw his blood kind of boil, then he ran off to go chew some ppl out. God I love that man.

Well the next day some of my co-workers and I got together for some taco bell, it was chris, ty, and another guy I only remember as tupac. They told me Keith had given the company his walking papers and went back to IBM the very next day.

I never knew if he quit because of me, or if it was the culture there at metricom. Probably was a little of both.

With more experience now, I know how to pick up on these types of butt buddy corporate cultures. This is what really killed the ricochet modem and metricom. Most people had their jobs there because they kissed someone's ass, or because they were attractive. Throw work ethic, qualifications and experience right out the window just so you can have some buff guy or tight ass sitting in that cubicle next to you.

Eventually all but 1 lvl 1 tech made it out of los gatos and made it all the way to head tech support. The rest either quit out of disgust for the job, or was fired because they didn't have that right look for the job. Since when does looks count in phone support?

So what was my point in telling all this? Well, to me when you have 14 people trying to work their asses off, and another 4 goofing off because they have that "Right Look" I think that should send up a red flag to management. Like I said, it was a damn near daily event for those slouches to come in and fire nerf at our plantronics. Everytime they got hit there would be a break in the sound, then your ear would ring afterwards. Makes it pretty hard to do your job under those conditions.

Well, maybe some ex shareholder is out there reading this saying to themselves "Oh you mean my investment was used to hire tight asses instead of hiring and retaining qualified people?" Yeah shareholder, basically your money was spent on hot pieces of ass, sorry man.

I eventually threw out the "metricom'isq" wardrobe I bought. Boat shoes and silk shirts
till next rant, this is Senior Toq signing off.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Jack Olinski and the softball sized turds 1

Ahh man, some things you see as a kid scar you for life. This happened around 8 or 9...

I used to have this friend named jack olinski. He was a pre-maddona self preserving little twat. I remember one day me, him, and his sister took a long walk to some park with these gigantic slides made out of polished concrete when it began to rain.

We started trying to make our way back to our houses. I had quite a bit further to walk than he did when suddenly he started shivering uncontrolably and crying.

"T t t t toq i'm catching hypothermia, it's so cold!" he said.

Anyone that lives in california will tell you, when it rains here, tempature is usually around 65 degrees, not what I would call freezing. Since I was an 8 year old kid that read the various medical books my father had laying around I knew what hypothermia was.

"No jack, there's no snow. It has to be snowing or freezing for you to catch hypothermia!"

"B b b b b b but my fingers are turning purple waaaaa"

I looked at his hands, they looked normal. I told him to just concentrate on making it home. We got about 30 feet when he dropped to the ground crying.


Jesus christ I told myself. What a big fucking baby.

"Will you shut up if I give you my jacket?" His little sister just laughed at him.

So I gave him my jacket just to shut him up. As I walked along I noted how warm it was despite the rain and enjoyed myself. I started splashing in puddles, took my shirt off and running circles around jack. His sister even joined in (well she kept her shirt on) It just set him off again.

"Huu hhuuuuuuuu you're not funny quit teasing me!"

Big fucking baby.

"Iiii Jjjjjuuusst wannna go hoooommmmeee"

God what a pathetic person I thought to myself. Well we get to jacks house, I got my jacket back and went home.

A few months later jack was over at my house. We were doing the normal shit, shooting bb guns, checkin the chicken coop for eggs n such. He ran off to go to the bathroom so I went into the kitchen for some OJ.

"Mr Toq! Toq! come here you gotta see this!!!"

My father and I rushed into the bathroom not knowing what to expect. When we looked over the rim of the white porcilin shit receptical we saw the biggest lump of caca either of us had seen, or ever will see again!

"HOLY SHIT! THAT THING IS THE SIZE OF A SOFTBALL!" My father exclaimed. This was not an exaggeration either. Somehow this 8-9 year old guy jack squeezed a softball sized shit out of his ass, a feat i've never heard of any adult doing (other than the freaks at goatse.cx)

Well after several failed attempts to flush this monstrosity my father made jack cut it apart with a stick and flush it.

Several months later, our house started getting vandalized. We would come home to find condiments spread about the house, clothes with paint thinner on them, broken windows and such.

Then one day..

A softball sized shit in the bathtub!

My father and I looked at each other as soon as we saw it. We instantly knew which one of my friends was capable of laying such a gigantic turd, none other than Jack Olinski himself.
My father had me fetch jack. I brought him back to the house (entire time he seemed like he didn't want to go) and my father began being sorta cool with him..

"You know our house was vanalized today jack"
"It wasn't me Mr Toqer!"

I cannot forgot how that went, omfg what a moron. Well after that my father took jack to the bathroom, showed him the shit which he then again denied having any involvement with, and let him go.

I learned that day that sometimes people will pretend to be your friend, and shit in your bathroom when you're not home. Those are the kind of friends you want to avoid.

Till next post, this is toq, signing off.

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is cute 1

Slashdot is advertising pre-built powerpoint templates.


No I take that back, it's fucking retarded as hell. Anyone that can't build a PPT is a moron, anyone that would pay for a template is even dumber.

I've always thought that any administrative assistant in the very least should be able to build a PPT presentation. From experience I know most of them are hired for their tight asses (how many times do you see a exec with a fat ugly AA?) Not for their abilities to use office.

Not that I don't mind looking at tight asses in the office, but I really really REALLY hate having to do these peoples work. They don't realize MS spent millions of dollars teaching that paper clip how to answer your questions.. Hell he'll even do it for you if you let him!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Throw me a fucking bananna

Well today some alien buttplug decided to go and post a comment on how if I was his sysadmin and I was pissed at his stupidity he would throw me out a window. Comment link is below..
Any sysadmin ever gets uppity with me over a simple question gets their pasty, gangly ass tossed out the nearest window.



What next? Is bush going to give special incentives to companies that hire retards for executive positions? This guy must be really fucking stupid.

So while i'm here, writing in my journal, I think i'll take another exerpt out of my troubled childhood years for you...

I found out by watching my father, and watching myself, that violent people really feed on the fear they instill. They look forward to beating people up in some sick sadistic way.

When I say beatings, I mean a real fucking beating over stupid shit and not a spanking. Here's a list of some of the shit I got beat for.

1. My chemist father one day brought his buddies to work, they were using the company scales to divide up a kilo of coke they just bought. I got beat because I wandered, normally my wandering was an accepted behavior. My father went out to my usual spot (dry ice bin outside) and without warning dragged me back inside by my hair while beating me with a belt. I was 7. I remember his asshole friends/cousin saying "Yeah you kid needed a beating, we'll come watch you beat him anytime"

My beatings usually went like this.
Dad explodes
I start crying before the initial blow
I am restrained by my hair, or arm (usually lifted a foot off the ground while my head was smashed into a wall repeatedly)
Belt lashings ensued
Punching and kicking

Followed by the all time classic, "It hurt me more than it did you"
and some DMSO applied to the welts to cover them up.

It got to the point where I began applying my own DMSO. I don't know WTF DMSO is other than it was written on the lab bottle my dad kept in the medicine cabinet.

This is the violence pattern. It was etched in my head, now i'm 30 years old sortin all this stuff out. Thanks dad! Maybe someday I can return the favor huh? How about I wait till you're too weak to fight back and I do it to you?

See, that's cowardice, I am a cowardly person like my father.

I often got blamed for the family treating my father as a black sheep, but it was ultimately HIS behavior (violent, cooked crank in the basement, bad father)

Somehow, I overcame this stuff enough to float in the corporate world for 7 years as a sysadmin. This latest unemployment lul brought me to a depression where I began re-examining myself and asking these questions and then some.

I'm hard on myself because of it. I realize that the behavioral/social problems i've had in life are largely due to my childhood decision to pretend nothing ever happened. It's been biting me in the ass real hard as of late.

I don't fault my family for shunning me, I was weird, my dad was weird, who want's their kids around that?

So now I try and be like them. 29, I own my house, i'm married with no plans on ever divorcing, and i'm constantly examining myself for self improvement. It's a hard thing to look yourself in the eye and realize that all that rebelling you did to not be like your parents, made you just like them.

The only way to evolve past my parents is to shatter every and all delusions that there was ever a good bone in their bodies. I have to completely cut myself off from them if I don't want them saying something that can tailspin me back into their mold.

"Dad what's that you're doing in the basement?" I said about the ether smelling concoctions cooking in the basement.

"Oh I just brought some work home!" Yeah fucking right, i've never heard of a chemist doing that. When you're 7 you got no clue that

Basement lab smellin of ether + father never sleeps + 4k stuffed behind a brick in the fireplace = krank lab

Well, anyways I equate that poster with my father. Abusive anonymous coward with no concept of law or morality. I hope he loses his job.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Who is this cat toqer? 3

Well today I begin writing my story on slash. I chose to use slash, because it gives a better way of organizing my ramblings than my hard drive, which is prone to my personal fucking up, toying around, and the occasional "Oh shit i'm outta room what gets deleted next!"

I was born feb 10 1973 in San Jose, the heart of silicon valley. If I was planned or accident is still a debate in my family to this day.

Mom met my father in chico at a party and took his virginity. A few months later she was pregnant with me. Before that she had had a pretty rough life and people from my dads side of the family thought she just got pregnant to get at the families wealth. She had been married and pregnant one time before the age of 17. Like I said, great debate.

Dad on the otherhand was from a well to do family that had been doing ranching in san jose for 100 years. He was impossibly smart, and what I mean by that is he was so smart, he always had to be right. As far as I could tell he had picked this up from my grandfather. My grandfather couldn't read and any stab at his intellegence would be met with rage, a rage that was passed to my father, and until recently was passed onto me.

So here is my dad, chemist student, my mom, kind of a floozy. The only thing those two had in common was a low self esteem and a lack of proper social skills. Great, now they're having a kid.

So now, toqer goes back in time, chapter 1 here we come....

Chapter 1, the fox from outer space.

My family had a vested interest in making sure my parents were able to be successful at parenting. A deal was worked out to let them live rent free at our ranch house across the street from the newly built evergreen valley college. It was a large, 2 bedroom old style ranch house on 7 acres of prune orchard. I would be the last of my family to live on such a setup.

My first cloudy memories are of a asperin overdose I had. Those childrens orange flavored tylonols taste just like candy I tell ya! After chewin 20 of those suckers I went in to have my stomach pumped.

I remember floating over my body, seeing tubes comin out my nose, orange crap flowing out of them.

Some time later, I got a dog named muppy, a sister named andrea.

My parents hated changing diapers. So they would throw me and my 2 year old sister outside to play naked. Whenever we had to take a shit, we would just go wherever we were, and our dog muppy would lick it up. They would brag to my aunts and uncles "Our children are learning how to be naked and comfortable with their bodies" Fucking tards.

Well one day me and my sister were outside playing in the sprinklers, letting the dog eat our shit when the earth began to shake and the skies began to darken. The clouds parted a bit and paper began falling from the sky. The clouds parted a bit more and a gigantic fireball appeared in the sky. I yelled "WHO ARE YOU?" and it replied "I am the fox from outer space". It got closer, I saw my sister scared stiff. I grabbed her hand, we ran inside and hid under our beds.

Later I tried telling my parents about this, they probably thought I was crazy. A few weeks later my sister and I were playing outside again when we saw paper falling from the sky. I heard a sound I can only describe as the helicopter effect you hear from taking a rip off a good N2O balloon. This time was a little different than the last though. Instead of simply flying above us, the fox from outerspace was flying THROUGH THE ORCHARD! I knew it was comin, so I grabbed my sisters hand and we ran inside the kitchen to my mom and aunt. The house began to shake, glasses chinked and chimed against one another. The two grownups looked scared!

"It's the fox from outer space! It's the fox from outerspace!" I started telling them. My aunt said, "No honey it's just an earthquake" I tried dragging them to the back door to see, but they just would not go.

Years later, when my sister and I were all grown up I asked her about the fox from outerspace, but never really got a straight answer from her about it. I think maybe it's one of those childhood memories that was so scary maybe she wan't to forget about it. She acknowlages that it happened, but she never wants to go into it.

Till my next ramble, this is toq signing off!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yes I am a piece of shit...

I recently had a great expansion of my mind. Something that goes beyond anything I have ever experienced before. Suddenly a great shroud of dissalousion has been lifted from my eyes.

Yes, I am the addage that during the dot com boom they would hire any bum off the street. In fact, I lived under a bridge for a few months when I was 16. I'll write more about that later on in my journal.

Get ready taco and the rest of you slashdot people. This is going to be the journal of an exciting life. Thrill, suspense, all these things are in store for you.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Angry Posters 3

I just don't understand it..

Why do people get pissed off that I recycle posts? Today I recycled an old post I made about spammers and 3 people whined that I got a +5 score on it. To be fair I didn't even use my +1 bonus. Fuck them. Anyways here are some links to the whiners...


You know, nothing is preventing these people from post recycling. Rather than bitch, they should do the same. Oh well, fuck em all.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why am I starting to get bored with computers?

Since i've been jobless, i've taught myself C++ and PHP. It's weird, after I got laid off I told myself, what's the point of all this? I don't think I want to work for a corporation ever again.. Too much bullshit. I'm 29 and already got some white hairs on my head.

I've been toying with the idea of precious metal recovery through the use of acid seperation lately. I have a garage full of old stuff that I can't even give away. If I could get my hands on 2 gallons of acid and let some boards sit in there, it should cause the gold to melt out and pool at the bottom of the tank. Hell the chinsese are doing it with our refuse electronics, why don't we just do it at home? I figure I have at least a 1/2oz worth of gold on all the PCB's I own.

Well, I'm done tooting my own horn for the day. Time to get back to nothing.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Another day of recycling +5 posts 1

Well today I grabbed a couple of extra mod points on the smallest RC car story by borging a post made by another user. So far it's gotten 2 points.

Funny how you can recycle other ppl's posts to whore karma, just another kink in the slashdot system I guess.


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