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Comment Re:What do they speak in India? (Score 1) 526

India has already set aside those local languages. There's dozens of languages commonly used in India, and they can't agree on any one of them (Tamils and Gujarati refuse to abandon their language in favor of Hindi), so they all use English as the in-between language. This is not coincidentally why so many call-center jobs are in India.

Comment Re: British English? (Score 1) 526

Even though the exact measures may have evolved over time, we got the units' names from the English, so that's why we call them that.

The English still use many of them too, so the name fits. Go to an English pub and ask for a beer; it's going to be a "pint". They express distances in "miles". And they express their body weights in some weird unit called a "stone", whatever the fuck that is (I'm pretty sure it's a whole number of pounds).

Comment Re:Brits, don't feel too bad... (Score 0) 526

Where'd you get that silly idea? Spanish is a terrible language: it's one of the least information-dense languages on the planet, requiring a ridiculous number of syllables to state the simplest of ideas. It's not even a particularly nice-sounding language; French and Italian are much nicer-sounding languages in the Romance group.

Spanish also doesn't have much prestige; Spanish-speaking countries don't lead the world in anything except maybe crime rates (El Salvador and Honduras in particular have the highest murder rates in the world, and are likely more dangerous than Syria). Spain the country doesn't even have a single language (Castillian is one of 4 languages there) and has the "honor" of being the only Western European nation to live under a brutal dictatorship until only recently. Now that the dictatorship is gone, it's splitting apart at the seams. And what does Spain do, anyway? France builds jumbo jets, cruise ships, cars, helicopters, etc. Italy makes famous exotic cars, high-end fashion clothing/accessories, high-end foods, etc. The only things I can think of that Spain makes are olive oil and some wines. Compared to their nearest European neighbors, they're an embarrassment. And the most prosperous region in Spain is one of the autonomous regions that has a different language (though related, like all Romance languages), and which wants to break away.

Even Spain's colonial history is terrible. There's plenty to criticize about how the British treated the indigenous populations in the Americas, but they were humanitarians compared to the utter depraved brutality and genocide that Spaniard Christopher Columbus and the later conquistadors like Cortez inflicted on the mesoamerican peoples.

Comment Re: Just girls and women, eh? (Score 1) 405

Are you a fucking moron? Intro physics isn't something that most of the population *needs* to do; courses like that are intentionally designed to weed out people who don't have the aptitude or discipline to get a degree in that field. Marriage is pushed by assholes like you to be the answer for everyone, yet more than half the attempts fail, so it's clearly not the panacea it's been sold as.

Comment Re:Make your own choices (Score 1) 203

Wrong. Trans fats aren't going to kill you, or make you horribly ill, the way e.coli poisoning for instance could. Long-term, they're bad for you, like any other unhealthy food.

Cheetos without trans fats are still not healthy, but they're healthier than Cheetos with trans fats. "Healthiness" in food isn't a binary condition. Some junk food isn't quite as bad as others.

The trans-fat ban is about making our unhealthy foods not-as-unhealthy. It's a good law. It's not as good as somehow getting everyone to eat lots of fresh vegetables and forgo sugary foods (good luck with that), but it will improve public health long-term, and importantly, it's something feasible. There's no reason trans fats need to be in anything; they're only there because some food makers were cutting costs.

Comment Re:Make your own choices (Score 1) 203

That's not true. Many people care about healthy food, but they may not be able to afford it, or they're not educated enough about what foods are healthy and which ones aren't.

And food safety standards aren't about healthy food, they're about safe food. Glazed donuts produced according to food safety standards are relatively safe to eat (they're not going to result in your death in a few minutes), but they're certainly not "healthy". Food safety standards are about making sure your food isn't contaminated with actual poisons, that it isn't spoiled, etc. They aren't about making sure you eat healthy foods.

Comment Re:In other news, sales of peanut M&Ms reached (Score 0) 307

There's good women out there. The problem is, it's hard to find them, and really hard to find one who's attracted to you and that you have enough in common with, and can really trust (as in, she'll help you bury a body). I can see why some men just give up on it. I've seen that a lot with women too, giving up on finding a decent guy. Personally, I think it'd be better if we all gave up on this ideal of monogamy and formed little polyamorous communities or groupings. A lot of people would probably be happier not having one person monopolize all their time and living situation as you get in a monogamous relationship, where it's basically all-or-nothing.

As for games, I agree completely. 80s-90s games are much more enjoyable than modern stuff.

Comment Re:In other news, sales of peanut M&Ms reached (Score 0) 307

I bet the entire issue of the disappearing American Grad Student would go away.

Huh? I wasn't aware that there was any shortage of grad students. But if you're saying that Americans aren't becoming grad students any more, what's the problem with that? There's a huge amount of work needed to pursue that path, and little if any reward at the end. It's far more prudent to just take your bachelor's or master's and go into private industry and earn a good paycheck. There aren't enough academic jobs out there to support a decent number of grad students, and those jobs suck anyway ("publish or perish").

Comment Re:Just girls and women, eh? (Score 1) 405

One thing that'd help is a cheap, reliable, and reversible contraceptive for men. They're doing trials of such a thing now that blocks the sperm ducts.

Honestly, I think marriage is just a bad institution all around, for everyone. It worked somewhat OK back in the days when women were 2nd-class citizens, but not any more, as proven by the high divorce rate and the huge number of single mothers and kids with divorced parents. We need to re-think the whole thing.

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