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Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Nine

Destiny and me woke up at the same time the next morning. We cuddled a while, made love again, then made coffee and took a shower together while the robots made us steak and cheese omelettes and toast and hash browns. Destiny put on the news. There was something about a problem in one of the company's boat factories; some machinery malfunctioned and killed a guy. I sure took notice of that! They didn't really have much information about it, though

Comment Re:Chattel slavery is so passé (Score 1) 21

You're a little behind the times, that stopped eighteen years ago when PWORA was passed and AFDC abolished.

These days slaves are made with "right to work" laws and strict limits on the extent of the safety net.

I gained my freedom this past February. YAY! Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, I'm free at last!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Eight

"Good morning, Mister Green."
"Good morning, Mister Osbourne. Ladies, gentlemen, I had a particularly trying day yesterday, as a few of you know," the CEO said, looking at his chief of engineering. "We have a serious problem in the company and it lands squarely in your laps. Folks, we're getting complacent and sloppy and it stops right here and right now or heads are going to roll.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Seven 2

I guess Destiny had stayed up and read or something. I woke up about six, started coffee and was glad the robots were almost as good at cooking as they were bad at making coffee. Unless it had to do with barbecue sauce, and who has barbecue in space? Especially for breakfast?
Or pork, I remembered. I don't eat pork, it's too damned expensive these days and I like beef and chicken better, anyway, but George Wilson, one

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Six

The company's co-founder, largest stockholder, and CEO was annoyed; this was certainly not his best day, golf aside. He'd spent too much time on the course and only had time for a little more of Knolls' report, and now he had to chew out that incredibly stupid chief engineer, who was knocking on his door and in danger of losing his job. This could have crippled the company. "Come in," the CEO said.
It seemed th

Comment Re:SID vs SIM/TEN (Score 1) 59

If TEN split knowing that one of the entities being split could not fulfill its obligations, that would be a fraudulent conveyance. The courts invalidate the split and will force TEN to pay off the obligations in the long run. Of course, that will take years to wind through the court system. In the mean time, the lawyers will make a fortune.

Comment Re:Except, of course, they have to prove you can (Score 4, Informative) 560

"Solid State drives (SSD) introduced dramatic changes to the principles of computer forensics. Forensic acquisition of computers equipped with SSD storage is very different of how we used to acquire PCs using traditional magnetic media. Instead of predictable and highly possible recovery of information the suspect attempted to destroy, we are entering the muddy waters of stochastic forensics where nothing can be assumed as a given."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Five

Note: There will be a chapter inserted between chapters nine and ten. Chapters have been renumbered in the manuscript.

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