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Comment Re:Advertising (Score 1) 137

At the very least...I can imagine items getting beat up a LOT more in transit without a box and padding, as they still often get a bit beat up IN a box with padding.

No thank you, gimme a box and packaging and padding.

About half of the time the extra box is too big and then not padded correctly causing the contents to bounce around and receive more damage than it would have gotten without the extra packaging.

Don't even get me started on the box in a box in a box I got last week. The building Janitor resents the amount of recycling I put out every week.

Comment Re:Not Sure about Co-Working as a Business Plan (Score 1) 43

WeWork never had any trouble filling it's spaces. There are plenty of companies wanting workspace without paying for a full office. WeWork's problem from the beginning was corporate excesses bleeding profits. You just don't buy corporate jets before the income can support it and this wasn't their only excess

Comment Re:If you as me... (Score 1) 36

More likely, fears of a recession were a good excuse to cut positions/departments that were just not making a good return on investment. If you make layoffs when times are good you risk bad press about the health of the business, during a recession means you get to blame the economy.

As for IBM, I struggle to understand their long term business prospects. Plenty of places for older people to go, just not tech startups. Banks for instance pay good money for the 60+ crowd. Where I work, there are plenty of people who are older. They are kept precisely because they know more than anyone else about what is going on.

Comment Re:Why Pay For Free Linux? (Score 1) 49

I guess you never have never worked with somewhere with software that requires a licensed RHEL install to get any support whatsoever. I worked for a place that was forking out for 3 RHEL licenses just because of that and we weren't the worse we heard about.

On top of that, many places know how many software devs RedHat has on staff and pay for support thinking the support from them will be better.

Comment Re:Don't count on it (Score 1) 20

I wouldn't be shocked if the LPC calls a snap election to take advantage of the CPC weak leadership position. Truedau should be able to pull off another election win by scaring people about Poilievre. I keep waiting for the moment that the CPC remembers most Canadians want fiscal conservatives and not social conservatives.

Comment Re:All Social Media should have fair appeals (Score 1) 53

Facebook, Reddit, now Instagram - all ruined by shit moderation.

No kidding. The best part about all of this is that actual porn spammers/dating site scammers are usually not touched by the moderators. Even the people selling $3000 items for $300 don't get touched even if the actual trademark owner complains.

Comment Don't count on it (Score 1) 20

Prime Minister Trudeau tends to avoid wanting to upset anyone so anything he does tends to be watered down so badly it does no real good at all. Things like the airline traveler's protection regulations with so many loopholes the airlines rarely have to pay compensation.

Never thought I would miss Jean Cretien, Paul Martin or even Steven Harper but here we are.

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