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Comment Re: technologically impractical (Score 1) 135

Mostly true. But then again, I live in a country that heavily trades with the US and have seen just how my own country has benefited by pissing on trade deals until it became an actual issue.

I find your last sentence amusing though. Who knew a person wearing full gear with a unit insignia is secret police.

Comment Re:The brilliance...ze goggles do nothing! (Score 3, Interesting) 128

Saturns were just re-badged Opels and Vauxhalls

Nope. Saturn had their own engine plant which exclusively made all the engines for the S-series vehicles. They were the only company at the time using lost foam casting for the blocks and heads. In '02 GM forced them to switch to the ecotech line(GM had a glut of the ecotech engines - they were shit FYI). The astra was the only model with an Opel engine in it(also was the only rebranded opel). Switching to ecotech was the first nail in the coffin in killing those cars. The second was forcing them away from plastic composite body panels and to metal.

The "grand experiment" of Saturn was far too successful, since it created a fanatical brand loyalty and people held onto them far longer then the normal 5yr period. Saturns with 1m miles were not uncommon.

Comment Re:No more kpop stars (Score 1) 36

People say the same thing about foreign language video games and movies. Until it becomes politicized/socjus'd to the point that all meaning is fully lost, and it's become the pulpit for some special interest group. Then people start picking up the language. See the BS surrounding localizers with JP media(light novels, manga, anime, video games). To make a point, 20-40% of all non-translated LN, anime and manga are sold directly out of country to the foreign market.

To be fair, I speak/read/write English and French poorly. As poorly as I speak/read/write Japanese and German I learned them all growing up - got punished by cranky grandparents who didn't want me speaking JP/DE at home either. The only real barrier against you learning or not, depends on the interest in that particular media, and whether or not it relies heavily on slang or regional dialects. Then native translators become far easier to use, and you're better for it.

Comment Re:how will that work? (Score 1) 135

Plastic isn't cheap because of massive oil subsidies. It's cheap because we use all of the raw and refined components in everything we make unlike even 50 years ago. Your attempt at an example is shit though, you buy a shatter proof glass windshield because the windshield is a critical component of the vehicles structure. Not having it means you die of things like the engine compartment flipping upwards in a high speed crash, or getting crushed in a rollover.

It's a good thing it's not hard to find everything I said. I know, you really don't want to be faced with the cold hard reality of sacred cow followers doing what they're told on issues. But it's not even hard to find the archived writings of groups like the Sierra Club or Green Peace protesting forest farms, because that would "create a new level of deforestation."

Comment Re:The quickie answer (Score 1) 104

Federal and provincial funding is a conflict of interest? Well shit you should let her know that. Since in BC grant funding is public record. I'm also sure that letting go one of your key researchers of over 15 years, suddenly, and only a short time after their research was released was the cause. Yep, I'm absolutely sure of that.

Comment Re:how will that work? (Score 1, Informative) 135

You know that businesses moved away from paper plates, wooden utensils and all the rest because it was expensive. And environmentalists cried that it was killing trees. And your definition of take out is kinda funny. Man just think of those days long past where people brought their own utensils and plates. Then again, even earthenware was considered disposable at one point.

It reminds me of those glorious cloth bags that businesses started falling all over themselves to push people to go with. Then suddenly, with no reason at all(I'm sure), they also became unhygienic, and vectors for various diseases(e.coli, salmonella, bat flu as a few examples). It's like all those grocery stores that will no longer even allow you to bring them in, and require you to use paper or plastic again. And of course, single-use paper is okay now. That was after the environmental push that paper killed trees, thus bad line of reasoning in the 1980s.

Comment Re:Nah, we as humans will save them (Score 1) 104

According to the research, polar bears split into it's own group between 50k and 180k years ago. If you think their diet is specialized you're wrong, they'll eat anything just like all bears(moose, deer, eggs, various berries/greens, etc). They just have a preference for seal. If they ever open Polar Bear Park again here in Ontario, you can even watch them cooperatively hunt deer and moose.

Here's the kicker, 200k-90k years ago we were still in a glaciation period with a lot of low-laying ocean. What's the favorite food of seal? Fish. So, now you have plentiful fish stock in shallow and deeper water. And an explosion of seal...the rest is downhill reasoning from there.

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