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Comment Re:First submission to law enforcement: (Score 1) 305

This raises the issue of people with usernames in common.
There will be people who (accidentally or intentionally) share a usernames with those reported by sex offenders who will now be monitored.
It would be trivial and impossible to prove it was intentional to get a name on that list so at least in the short term someone can be treated as a sex offender.

Comment Who is this guy shrilling for? (Score 1) 180

Or does he just want publicity?
This is an extreme solution to something that is not really a current a problem and it has issues of its own.

The two main consequences of Desktop apps to me is you have to get them installed keep and keep them updated everywhere (and according to him you can't trust a browser download) and these apps will be OS specific.

Someone would make a lot of money somewhere getting this enforced and it would require creating an appstore/repo for every platform where you could get these from. This seems like a great chance to make parts of the web specific to a OS.

What you could do without breaking anything is have a site broadcast in the header that they want private sandbox from the rest of your running web-pages and only allow the browser to send and receive data to the provided site. It would break advertising but that’s necessary to be secure anyway.

Comment Re:Could be a honeypot (Score 2) 157

This is way to simple not to have been done before, someone will have actually used it and unless they have rushed off to gitmo i would guess its undetectable.

I could understand why they might want local authentication but they should at least be able hand out keys to airlines for each airport and encrypt it using the key for the airport you are departing from.

Comment Re:Why bother without IRV (Score 1) 221

Why do the states need to cast it as block vote? Yes there was probably some reason to do it 100+ years ago but you could make changes in the interest of making your best effort to have a democracy.

Yes the system is backwards, it was made as a the end of a civil war, is unnecessary complex and is old.

Its far more important the lower house gets seats proportional to population than an upper one, in the context of system is probably not that backwards the senate is not being based on population.

Comment Re:Why bother without IRV (Score 1) 221

There are systems like STV where you are still voting/ranking individuals but if your happy with the candidates that make it though R or D selections then you are probably happy with the current system.

The WA system seems weird and to enforce a two party state. can you have a liberal indepent win the other primary as a RINO and then have a final election.

Comment Re:Why bother without IRV (Score 1) 221

Yeah i know i did, i was meaning a general change for US to create some change or allow other parties some influence. Its all hypothetical anyway not like it will change too much tradition and no incentive for the current politicians. The main problem is the stupid EC system for electing presidents that needs to go first and even a national FPP system would work.

There no point to IRV if there are still two only parties, IRV still converges to two parties just like FFP they just you need make sure your candidates are of reasonable quality.

The bigger issue there is that the number of Representatives was capped at 435 in 1911...*snip*... Sure, that's a lot, but that's half the seating capacity of Madison Square Garden, and it would allow for local politicians to accurately represent their constituency.

Thats why you could want a proportional system if you cant get someone to represent you geographic area at least you could get someone closer ideologically from a larger area.

Comment Re:Why bother without IRV (Score 1) 221

I am aware of how it works, we recently rejected with other systems it in a referendum. That video would be how it could work in almost ever other democracy, though its completely contrived situation.

The US has unique political problems that would make it extremely difficult for a third party to be anything more than a protest vote. It is an improvement but like every where else all it does disincentivise the two dominate parties don’t run poor candidates. You could settle for that if you want but as far as politics are concerned you will just get a few more independents.

Also electing the president by a national FFP or STV system would be a massive step forward.

Comment Re:Why bother without IRV (Score 3, Insightful) 221

IRV is not that different to the current system in the US. You need a proportional system, which allows other parties to get to at least have some representation and everyone’s vote count (except for those lost in rounding).

PR has its problems but most of those already are present in the US system anyway. What kind of backwards system allows only voters in the small number of "swing states" to have a vote that actually ends up mattering in deciding you president.

Comment Re:It's the ink soaking through the paper. (Score 1) 116

I am guessing the GP does not want a exact reproduction of the current book just the bleed-though and transfer from the adjacent page removed.

The desired black text is clearly darker than undesired text so just save it in a layer with transparency and some reasonable feathering. Then change all the dark/black pixels to the average brown for the area the text was in and blur the area. Finally overlay the desired text back onto the page.

Comment openBSD has a bsd licence (Score 4, Insightful) 196

I know its not exploit proof but becoming a platinum sponsor and insisting they spend the money on code review. Then make custom modifications to remove all functionality and you should get close.

If the people buying and operating these systems really cared about security I am sure they could piece together a far more secure solution at the expense of cost and convenience from current software.

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