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Comment Re:Market economy to the rescue (Score 3, Informative) 285

In the UK (this was about 8 years ago so values will have changed a bit) if there was a dangerous junction where there were a lot of road accidents, if the cost was greater than a three quarters of a million pounds to change the junction to something safer such as a roundabout, they would have to wait until somebody died before fixing it. Placing the value of life of a citizen clearly in that figure.

Comment Re:Oh, this won't end well... (Score 1) 1134

If anything, more applications should have command lines.

This is the approach that in my opinion kills Linux for casual users. Sure its got a nice and smooth GUI but most Linux users sit with the terminal open and when something breaks or needs a bit of messing around to make it compatible, any helpful suggestions on the internet tend to involve heavy terminal usage which to the uninitiated seems to be an unnecessary learning time investment and will turn the vast majority users away to something more user friendly.

GUIs are getting better and more intuitive with each OS generation. Now even very old people can typically handle a smart phone or browse the web on a laptop. I'm not advocating we remove consoles, quite the opposite but I agree that things targeted at mass consumersmarkets should definitely have everything doable by GUI. I'm not sure why people are so negative about this article, seems most of the comments below are talking abut industry professional users or IT technicians running batch macros.

Comment Re:Yes, you can do that. (Score 1) 1004

Sure, it's illegal, but most people simply don't consider it wrong. No amount of propaganda will change this.

I know a lot of people who have openly said they would actually rather pay to watch this show rather than download it for free, as long as they don't need to buy months or even years worth of other shit. The other consideration is it must be a reasonably low amount of effort required to legally stream etc to justify not just downloading it for free with minimal effort.

When they sell something to a single outlet that most people don't have access to, they shouldn't pretend to be surprised that people will find other ways of watching it.

Comment Re:What do you mean, "now" starting? (Score 1) 162

Same - I was using Logo in 3rd grade, back in '96 or so. Loved that turtle.

Cant help but feel that in all likelihood what they learn there has a good chance of being utterly redundant or irrelevant by the time they are old enough to make use of it. Why not instead teach them the kind of programming orientated maths and logic?

Comment Re:If you're subscribed to him.. (Score 5, Insightful) 335

If he married a Robot or an executive from Google. That may be a little different.

I dunno I found it somewhat interesting. Looking at some pictures of his new wife shows her to be rather plain looking and frequently struggling with her weight. I find myself constantly looking for reasons to hate the guy, but at least respect is due to someone who marries his pre-fame college sweetheart when he could likely take his pick from just about any of the top millionaire supermodels.

Comment Re:There's no starship with just an ion drive (Score 1) 589

An "Enterprise-type" starship is a misnomer at best. An ion drive to get to even the closest star would have to be a "generation" ship. It would take generations of people, born, liviing, dying, to reach the nearest stars.

At a glance the proposed ship is meant only to tour around the solar system dropping of rovers and probes to the various planets and asteroids.

Comment Re:Turn about is fair play. (Score 1) 440

"I think the story here isn't that someone got knocked back from entering the UK, but rather the reasons behind it. "...

"Having said that, I do sort of agree that this isn't all that newsworthy for /. even though I generally do froth at the mouth at personal freedom abuses - which I do think that this falls into."

Yes but this happens all the time when its the other way around. I agree that its just a non-story of a fairly common practice; Only instead of being denied over misunderstood slang that's real meaning is pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain on comments made on social networking, it was instead a guy teaching how to maximise injury on someone as a form of self defence. I don't think either denial was entirely justified, but then its not my career to make these decisions.

Comment Re:Evolution (Score 2) 381

It might not be an overwhelming requirement, but it's certainly an overwhelming survival advantage.

Perhaps with huge intelligence gains comes a massive advantage, but clearly small gains are not a survival advantage or animals would be constantly evolving more intelligence in an on-going arms race. It's very likely that the cost of increased intelligence offsets any potential gains.

Comment Re:YES! and OMG NUUUUU (Score 1) 295

Morrowind rewarded you for levelling up; Oblivion punishes you.

Got to seriously agree with this. I levelled up a pure rogue, non combat approach and its great that you can do this in the game and I ignored the side quest and became amazing at stealing, sneaking and jaw droppingly rich. I decided to try the main quest line and started with the Kvatch part of it where supposedly a few little scamps run out of the portal and get cut down the guards. Because I was a very high level rogue, instead an unending stream of hideous, unstoppable monstrosities poured forth from the gates. The guards vanished in moments and the game was utterly winnable with no escape. I tried the warriors guild, first mission where some thugs are robbing a shop at night. Guy dint tell me the thugs wore full daedric plate with hugely enchanted weapons and armour.

Again its nice that you can play non combat focused characters but expect to be worthless when any form of combat is forced upon you without alternative methods.

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