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Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 117

>You don't understand software security, do you
Actually I do. It's my job. Well mostly hardware security, but they overlap.

SQL injections are a problem of untrusted data being mistaken for trusted code. When data cannot be mistaken for code it makes it very difficult for traditional SQL injection to happen. SQL promotes the problems of data/code confusion because it is a text string that contains both and constructing and handling that string correctly has provided lots of scope for error.

Keeping your data data and code code is great for mitigating SQL injection. It does nothing for a vast collection of other aspects of software security (E.G. xss, buffer overflow, side channels etc.), but for SQL injection, type safety in language and database API is just the ticket.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 117

I don't think you got my point. I'm suggesting that SQL is contributing to the problem. Queries in is strings is not strongly typed. Function calls to BDB are. If you need an ORM to construct string queries, then you are trusting both yourself and the writers of the ORM framework writers to not screw up.

It safest to trust the fewest people not to screw up and then not screw up yourself.

Comment Re:I've been saying it for years. (Score 1) 117

And this, children, is why you actually need to know and understand SQL before you go off and start writing database applications, without depending on a "framework" to do it for you.

To know and understand SQL is to know and understand that it is a steaming pile and other interfaces should be used.

Comment Re:College course ? (Score 1) 177

This stuff has been filtered out of the basic high school package in the states. Calculus is an 'AP' topic. I.E. Advanced Placement. They let the white kids take AP classes. When someone tried to sneak non lily whites into an AP exam and succeeded, it was so shocking that they made it a film about it:

I went to school in Britain. No calculus => no college entrance.

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