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Comment Movement and flashing lights (Score 1) 417

It sounds like you want to engage your kid with something universally appealling - colour and movement -
Any tuff tech would do... an old portable phone, a torch, an LED bike light. If you are really keen you could make a box with some on/off switches and some lights that go on and off.
Remember, this is mostly about you, and your child is responding you what you are giving attention to (your laptop) and if you give attention to other stuff they will follow that too.
Don't be embarrased to admit child raising is (partly) selfish activity.

Comment Re:This is not new, it's called 'Permaculture' (Score 1) 254

I think (and am not claiming to be an expert) essentially the concept is that if you create positive localised ecological feedback loops that allow bio-accumulation from sun, animal action, and remove/harvest less than the rate of accumulation (as harvest or yield)) then the whole system can increase with no THEORETICAL limit. but of course there are practical limits like oxygen diffusion, heat penetration, soil slippage etc. also the theory assumes a small finite 'open' system that is not lossy. eg, if you only eat from your garden, and all your compost, human waste, etc goes back to the garden and you encourage material to accumulate in a way that does not cost you more energy than it is 'worth', your garden yield will get better and better.

Comment This is not new, it's called 'Permaculture' (Score 2, Interesting) 254

And the first recorded modern practice of permaculture as a systematic method was by Austrian farmer Sepp Holzer in the 1960s.
PermacultureEssentially one designs systems that run using existing natural ecologies using paths of least resistance and capturing energy/matter.
Interestingly enough natural agriculture systems designed using these principle have no theoretical maximum yield.

Comment Awesome, Google Window View in 5,4,3....... (Score 4, Interesting) 81

This is cool, I love that the science fiction future is so present in our world right now, and the power of 'it is possible, so we did it this way' I am quite amused by the quote" You don’t have to join too many dots for potential misuse." and I look forward to outrageous innovative uses by paparazzi, peeping toms, pervs, police, pyromaniacs, pilferers, pidgeon racers......

Submission + - poll-based party in Oz senate, policy is polling (

qwerty8ytrewq writes: Australian political party Senator On Line claims to have no policies, but to put every senate bill in the hands of the people through online polling. I am very amused to note that there is nowhere on the site that people can vote for them to continue activities or disband. Is this hypocritical?

Comment Vote Greens, then Sex Party, then bash Abbot (Score 0, Flamebait) 258

I am very happy, there are now two parties that are talking sense in OZ, and the leader of Labour is not to bad either, I can but hope we move forward at the next election... in the meantime, it is fun and commendable to join the cheefrul political bashing of Abbot: What an embarrasing tool!

Submission + - South Korean police raids Google's office (

qwerty8ytrewq writes: On Tuesday, Aug 10, Korean National Police Agency raided the office and seized hard drives and other documents related to data collected using Street View Cars.
"We have been investigating Google Korea on suspicion of unauthorized collection and storage of data on unspecified internet users from wi-fi networks," reported Korean National Police Agency in a statement.


Submission + - The future of the web without Flash - will it be f ( 4

AuxLV writes: We've seen a lot of great HTML5 demos and now many people believe that HTML5 is our savior from Flash and will make our browsing faster and more pleasant once all the lagging Flash banners disappear. The problem? Banners themselves won't disappear — they will become HTML5-powered. And today you can get your web-future-sneak-peek fix. While HTML5 is great it will not auto-magically save us from lame banner creators and performance issues.

Comment 8.7 of 10 stars. that track needs camber though! (Score 1) 90

the track desperately needs


then the cart could really stick to the corners and crank some speed. this thing has heaps of potential. especially as the karts could have weapons, speed control, be modded like crazy. and the whole thing could be run o'er the good ol' net... Arr, I predict some underground gambling to be done. screw rooster fighting, this is the next big thing. my kart is going to be made from epoxy lego for sure! respect to the work and spirit of fun that has gone in there! the wharehouse site is very cool too.

Submission + - Google banned my /. email. ( 1

Odetta2012 writes: This weekend, Gmail locked me out of my Odetta2012 account.I went to Google Help, who stated with no additional explanation that this email had been disabled.
Google did allow me to tell my side of it: The Odetta account exists mainly as a repository for IT digests. And Odetta is the email that allows me to blog here.
There is nothing remotely non-TOS about Odetta, but Google states that it doesn't have to have any reason to deactivate any person's account.
I have nine units of college classes starting in three weeks, all in CSIT. All students are being assigned a special gmail through the school. If someone at Google has a bad day, having the approved email cut off without warning might hurt one's grade.

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