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Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 721

It is a basic fact of psychology that pairing something with a punishment (assuming that something isn't desirable enough to override the punishment's effect) will likely condition the subject to associate that something with punishment or otherwise dislike it. It's basic classical conditioning--do something wrong, get an electrical shock, the subject is less likely to repeat that behavior. Naturally, though, context may modify the effect of the conditioning...

Make kids sit around in boredom (they'd much rather be somewhere else) against their will piping classical music at them will possibly just give them to associate classical music with... uh, negative things.

Comment Re:... shall have regard ... to any other matters (Score 0) 208

It's worth noting that this "UK DMCA" will require a court injunction. I.e. not just a take-down notice. There are also lines in there for facilitating legal access. Does this mean abandonware etc can't be locked up by copyright years after production ends? I also fail to see why national security should affect copyright - we have the official secrets act for that.

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