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Comment Re:Superheroes (Score 4, Interesting) 259

A corporation's, or any other authority's "right to privacy" should be much more limited than it is. And even more obviously, we shouldn't be giving it rights as a person. What an absurd concept! But since we always try to put a human face on everything, from god on down, it seems inevitable. And vigilantism becomes inevitable when the confines of the law aren't applied equally and the system breaks down.

Comment Why couldn't he just say, (Score 1) 133

"Google probably de-lists anybody who doesn't offer to install a google toolbar or other similar junk(ad)ware like Earth, or Chrome." Maybe he did, but who could tell in that mess? I get as little as five results on searching for common errors messages. Google is not a search engine in the way most people think it is. Guess I gotta send out my own droids if I want it done right.

Comment Re:Should be (Score 1) 572

At least you guys have a choice of providers.

Incorrect. Dig down a couple of layers and you will find we, and everybody else, only have one. One, that collude on prices, collect all data for government and the "market" (government, but I repeat myself), and control what you see. There can only be one. Things might change if we ever take conscious control of our governments. Until then, suck it up.

Comment Re:I vote (Score 2, Insightful) 104

If you want any authority over me, then damn right it's my business. We have every right to know if you are abiding by the same rules you expect us to. Don't take it personally. I expect all people in a position of authority to give up their private lives, at least to the extent that we have to. Besides, government service is supposed to be exactly that, not a lifetime career position.

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