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Comment Here's a radical idea (Score 1) 226

Instead of spending trillions on pointless wars how about we divert some of that vast waste to employing these people to come up with improvements to society such as getting a working fusion reactor. I can't believe that the deaths of millions and the immense cost is never on the radar but scientists doing work that is unprofitable now catches hell from the commentators for "waste of taxpayer dollars/euros/pounds".

Comment Re:so pony up, Microsoft want agile extreme only (Score 1) 413

I can't be bothered to forgive it, I've wasted way too much time with stuff that should just work. I don't care who's to blame, I'm just sad that something with such potential to revolutionise the client experience is largely relegated to being a server OS, although perhaps Android will succeed where KDE and GNOME failed.

Comment Re:so pony up, Microsoft want agile extreme only (Score 2) 413

I completely agree with you here. I have dared to criticise the Linux desktop here in the past and have been met with loads of abuse. I started using Linux in 1998 and around that time it looked like it might bury the joke that was Windows 9x/NT but instead of rallying round a set of common standards and working to ensure Windows users could transition painlessly to Linux all there was was pointless bickering that people called "competition" which would "lead to higher standards". Well 15 years later it most definitely hasn't. If Ubuntu is supposed to be the OS for grandma then grandma will be using Windows (or more likely an iPad) for the foreseeable future.

Comment Re:/. is like an elephant - has long memory (Score 1) 633

And in a great many cases they won't, unless you think that people will be more productive on one 7" screen than two 19" monitors. Tablets are for consumption and simple tasks, they're not for large spreadsheets, graphic design, programming, complex legal documents and the probably hundreds of other tasks that a mini internet terminal is no use for.

Comment Re:The sad thing is that... (Score 1) 357

Deprecate and remove a metric f***ton of API from Windows, no matter who it breaks.

They did that with Vista and 7 and that led to a much extended lifetime for XP. To do that again would be really really stupid. Their whole business depends on backwards compatibility, that's why it's been so damn hard to dislodge them on the desktop, taking a technological shift in the end to make inroads, and even then the desktop is going to be around for a long time yet.

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