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Comment Re:May Bel-Shamharoth eat their souls (Score 1) 311

Japan is only allowed to hunt for scientific purposes. A clause they abuse to hunt for commercial purposes and just say it's scientific. If the international laws required them to dispose of the the carcasses as biohazard and forbid selling them (or giving them away to avoid transfer to a wholly owned subsidiary or shell), Japan would stop whaling all together.

I can't say anything about anyones EEZs.

Comment Re:Bad comparision (Score 2) 204

The article stated FUSION reactor, not FISSION reactor.
All the nuclear reactors and batteries you people are talking about are FISSION reactors.
You know, Uranium or Plutonium or some other radioactive material breaking down in to lighter elements.
A FUSION reactor takes light elements, like hydrogen or helium and fuses them into heavier elements like helium or lithium, etc.

Fusion is currently only experimental. I wonder if the article got it wrong and he was actually doing fission, but fissionable materials tend to make the feds go ballistic, so who knows. (Other than the kid.)

Comment Oh really (Score 2) 172

Can't save images? Then how is it that they have found TSA personnel with collections of images from the machine, not to mention the ones printed out and posted in the breakroom? Subjects were apparently females with better than average anatomical traits of course.

At least they recently fired the one caught masturbating to the screens while on monitor duty.

Comment Re:Five minutes after Monsanto Protection Act sign (Score 1) 679

They'll snatch the money from your hand faster than you can see, but as to doing actual work, even if it was bribed and paid for, their fat asses don't waddle all faster than a snails pace at best. Not to mention, all the ones that didn't get paid off who try to slow things down as incentive for the delivery of their own Benjamin Salad.

Comment Re:Postapocoliptic Nightmare (Score 1) 679

<quote>In fact, if Monsanto did destroy all of it and it came back then we're staring in the face of the first seeds of the Zombie Apocalypse: Zombie Wheat</quote>

They failed to destroy all of it. It's been known for a very long time that plants use a variety of distribution techniques for their seeds, especially of the animal distribution variety. Since the 'test field' wasn't in a sealed building, some critters got in and carried seeds someplace else. It was obvious that would happen.

The surprising thing is that it was spotted and identified as such. It must have been a roundup ready variant. If it had been another strain, I doubt the farmer would have recognized it as being different.

Zombies need not apply. :)

Comment Re:Ask any McDonald about domain (Score 4, Insightful) 381

The first Xbox came out, it was named Xbox, and everyone called it Xbox.
The second Xbox came out, it was named Xbox 360, everyone called it xbox, and started calling the previous one Xbox 1 to differentiate since nobody wanted to say Xbox three sixty.
The third Xbox is announced, it is named Xbox One, everyone realizes that Microsoft should stop hiring brain dead monkeys for their naming division.

Comment Jacquard loom (Score 2) 247

So then, since the Jacquard loom used a different set of cards to 'program' each different cloth pattern, it qualifies for millions of separate patents.
We're talking about technology almost 300 years old. I'm thinking some of those judges are not only technically inept, but are in fact Luddites in black robes.

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