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Comment Re:Is Loon not innovative? (Score 1) 307

People connect to the balloon network using a special Internet antenna attached to their building. The signal bounces from balloon to balloon, then to the global Internet back on Earth.

Interesting, although I wonder what the latency will be like. Although I guess if it's meant for off-the-grid places then better that than nothing?

Comment Re:Modern Jesus (Score 1) 860

He's spent years researching the problem in his capacity as a constitutional law professor and he proposes a very specific solution which has been demonstrated to work well in other western democracies.

What, public financing of candidates? Sorry, no sale. And he wants to get there by holding a second constitutional convention, which has the potential to be a complete disaster since too many people naively believe government should do more rather than less.

Comment Re:Modern Jesus (Score 1) 860

The reason the money is there is that there's so much for power for it to buy. I appreciate Lessig's work in general, but those who think that campaign finance measures will ever be anything more than an endless game of whack-a-mole are kidding themselves. (And even then that's without factoring in SCOTUS hostility toward the idea.)

Comment Re:Modern Jesus (Score 4, Insightful) 860

What third party? Do you really think that would make any difference? Under the current system anyone elected is controlled or made irrelevant. Until the money is removed from the electoral process this won't change.

Money is a symptom, not the disease. There's so much money precisely because there's so much federal power available to buy. Until political power is radically decentralized, this will not change.

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