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Comment Re:will they have the stink that other online scho (Score 1) 102

will they have the stink that other online schools get??

UOFP get's a lot of that and they have real in person class rooms as well.

They have so many classrooms that it's silly to call Phoenix an online school, unless you also want to include on that list other schools that offer both online and campus based programs, like Berkeley, Georgetown, Brandeis, UNC-Chapel Hill, George Washington University, University of Virginia, etc.

Comment Re:Video and first thoughts. (Score 1) 248

If this is the crux of their value proposition, they are fucked.

They seem to talk the most about all the cool swipey stuff, so it seems their value proposition is ease of use, or something like that. They also mention docking your phone into something with a charger that's connected to keyboard, mouse, and display, thereby having the same device be your computer, which sounds potentially cool.

Comment Re:For what I hope is the last time (Score 1) 375

Hmm. Okay, you're right.

What got me, though, is that in most political conversations, when people talk negatively about "capitalism", they're rightfully pointing out the externalities of corporatism but wrongfully blaming laissez faire capitalism. I believe that most people (especially progressives), don't understand that there's a significant difference, and it makes them erroneously conclude that free market advocates are pleased with corporatism, which gets in the way of what otherwise might be useful discussion.

Comment Re:For what I hope is the last time (Score 1) 375

I find it curious that you gave the correct definition of socialism in your other post, but then get capitalism wrong like that.

It's not so curious when you remember that different people from different schools of thought become accustomed to different definitions. But I can see how that lends itself to confusion when people try to communicate across ideological divides. I was referring to capitalism in a sort of Ayn Rand sense. But you're right that I should have made that clear, and I do recognize that your definition is at least as valid.

Comment Re:For what I hope is the last time (Score 3, Insightful) 375

In fairness, though, I can actually understand why people bringing out the example of the Soviet Union would annoy a true socialist, because as a libertarian it annoys me when people describe the system in countries like the U.S. as capitalist. It's not even close -- when the policy makers of a powerful central state cooperate with executives who run large businesses for mutual advantage, that's corporatism, not capitalism.

(Because it's Christmas I thought I'd give you a real answer in addition to the sarcastic one.)

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