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Comment Re:Film theater screens (Score 1) 232

The only reason 16:9 was adopted was because it's the aspect ratio of most movie-theater screens, which means almost all movies are shot for it.

Sorry but what are you smoking? That is completely and obviously false.

Go on Netflix right now on a 16:9 screen and start clicking on feature films. Virtually all of them will have letterboxing, because feature films are almost NEVER shot in 16:9.

Films are more commonly shot in 1.85:1 and 2.39:1.

Comment Re:Deeply pathetic (Score 5, Interesting) 138

"The president is an idiot. [...] He is just a businessman without the basic understanding of national security. [...] Everything is a business transaction for him and making money is winning to him and the only thing that matters. [...]. The president wanted to sell nuclear-powered submarines to the South Koreans, and I had to talk him out of it, explaining why this was a bad idea."

- General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (source)

Comment Re:They've got to do something (Score 1) 216

I understand that Benford's Law applies best when "values are distributed across multiple orders of magnitude", and that some of these examples may be misleading or downright distorted.

Here's a Reddit post showing a normal Benford's Law distribution for the election:

I'll be interested to read more conclusive analysis (as I'm sure this will become a subject of study), but hopefully from better sources that Reddit or (seriously..?) the fucking Gateway Pundit.

Comment Wrong and wrong (Score 1) 82

did not mention whether those tested also used alchohol and tobacco

Yes, they do mention this.

"prenatal exposure to tobacco or alcohol before or after maternal knowledge of pregnancy" is mentioned in the Covariates section. It is absolutely one of the variables they accounted for.

no mention of genetics

There are multiple mentions of genetics. Including in the first paragraph of the summary.

Doesn't seem like you read very much before jumping to your pre-determined conclusion.

And btw, I'm as pro-cannabis as they come. You leaping immediately to "Big Alcohol Conspiracy" here is ridiculous. THC has been shown to affect developing brains, why is it hard to believe it can affect babies in the womb? I'll admit the "aggression" part sounds surprising at first blush, but maybe not. Consider this possibility: If THC "artificially" regulates aggressive tendencies, perhaps "natural" aggression regulation could become stunted?

Also.. dude... Big Alcohol and Big Tobacco have BECOME Big Cannabis. They're not funding studies attacking their own interests...

Comment Re:I would agree with Apple (Score 4, Insightful) 272

I'm torn here, because I do think multiple app stores being available for iOS would be an improvement.

But, to play devil's advocate...

Apple maintains a monopolistic access to their platform

  • And Nintendo maintains monopolistic access to their platforms.
  • And Sony maintains monopolistic access to Playstation.
  • And Microsoft maintains monopolistic access to XBox.

But here's the rub, none of these (including iOS) are actually monopolies (in the legally actionable sense), since you can choose a competing platform.

So as much as I would love to see multiple app stores on iOS, I don't really see how Epic has a leg to stand on here. Closed ecosystems are nothing new.

Comment Re:Duh. (Score 5, Insightful) 169

maybe using hashed receipts things -- better identity proofing, things like that

I don't think you fully understand the problem.

If you give people a receipt of some kind that can be used to check who they voted for, you've broken anonymity.

Another huge fundamental problem is that digital tallies cannot be directly observed. Physical ballot boxes can. The ability to directly observe the entire process is absolutely critical. As Germany's Federal Constitutional Court found, "the inability to have meaningful public scrutiny meant that electronic voting was unconstitutional".

These are unique problems that cannot be solved with things like "receipts" and "better identity proofing".

who is to say better methods won't be thought of

Me, and I just explained why. Also Germany, Canada, and many other countries. Also every cyber security expert on the planet, give or take.

paper ballots are highly vulnerable to cheating

False equivalence. Physical ballots are not as vulnerable to large scale tampering as flipping some numbers in a computer.

Comment Re:Maybe if the meta-moderation actually worked (Score 1) 284

Maybe we need "+1 Uncomfortable Truth" as one of the options to help establish those comments as desirable.

I don't think the available options have changed since the moderation system was first built over 20 years ago. They've done a pretty good job, but maybe it's time to review them.

I also think something like "-1 Factually Incorrect" would be helpful.

Comment Re:Mass doesn't matter at all here (Score 2) 61

Yes of course it comes down to the thrusters.

But the point is simply that *all things being equal*, a lighter vehicle would feel more of a jolt.

Like, they felt a jolt with the space shuttle. A lighter vehicle would've felt MORE of a jolt in that same situation, not less (which is what slyborg was claiming).

Comment Re:It's a little heavier (Score 1) 61

Yes, the jolt is caused by sudden deceleration. Are you really claiming deceleration has nothing to do with mass?

It's not just speed at contact, it's total kinetic energy (eg, momentum) at contact. Which is mass times velocity.

If you're in a heavier vehicle, you will decelerate more slowly, which will feel "less jolty". To illustrate, if a bicycle is in a head-on collision with a truck, which person feels more of a jolt? The relative velocity of the impact is the same, the only difference is the mass.

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